- We must put in practice a strict land management system and measures to protect forest and grasslands. 坚决实行最严格的土地管理制度和保护森林资源的措施。
- We Quanmianbenxiaokang in the process to implement the strictest land management system. 我们在全面奔小康的进程中要实行最严格的土地管理制度。
- Gan Zang Chun in his speech, first introduced China's land management system in the development and history of reform. 甘藏春在演讲中首先介绍了中国土地管理制度的发展和改革历史。
- Beijing speculation to serious phenomenon, which is the current land management system connivance Beijing caused by a situation. 北京炒地现象严重,这是目前北京市土地管理的体制纵容下造成的一种局面。
- China news agency, Beijing, November 1-Ministry today issued a notification that the strictest land management system is not an expedient measure. 中新社北京十一月一日电国土资源部今天发出通知称,实行最严格的土地管理制度决不是权宜之计。
- China news agency, Beijing, November 1 (Reporter Zhao Shengyu) - Ministry today issued a notification that the strictest land management system is not an expedient measure. 中新社北京十一月一日电(记者赵胜玉)国土资源部今天发出通知称,实行最严格的土地管理制度决不是权宜之计。
- Is defined according to the property right, the use control, saves intensive, the strict management principle, further consummates the countryside land management system. 按照产权明晰、用途管制、节约集约、严格管理的原则,进一步完善农村土地管理制度。
- Indeed, 90 years later, on the central site and the right to the land management system is state-owned land in the ownership of "localization" to take the initiative. 实际上,90年代中后期中央上收用地审批权的土地管理体制改革,就是在国有土地所有权“地方化”后不得不采取的举措。
- The reform that China started in 1978 was,first and foremost,a reform of the land management system,i.e.,replacing the collective management system of the people's commune with the household contract responsibility system. 中国自1978年开始的改革,首先是土地经营制度的变革,即以家庭承包经营制度取代人民公社的集体经营制度。
- Third Session's summit communique, related only has two words with the land: “the perfect strict standard's countryside land management system”, as well as “raises the land yield rate”. 三中全会的会议公报,与土地有关的仅有两句话:“健全严格规范的农村土地管理制度”,以及“提高土地产出率”。
- Collection of user fees paid to this part of the land, and in the national budget of the Fund, to be earmarked for land development is the strictest land management system embodied. 对这部分土地收缴有偿使用费,并纳入国家基金预算,专项用于耕地开发,是中国最严格的土地管理制度的体现。
- The document mentioned that is defined according to the property right, the use control, saves intensive, the strict management principle, further consummates the countryside land management system. 文件提到,按照产权明晰、用途管制、节约集约、严格管理的原则,进一步完善农村土地管理制度。
- "Please note the" strictest land management system, "the words; 请注意“最严格的土地管理制度”这一字眼;
- Aircraft Landing Management System 飞机着陆管理系统
- Reform of Land Management System 土地管理体制改革
- Scope: Land management. Land management. 经营范围:国土管理。
- Study on the Logictics Management System of the LAND Corp. 能达电气公司物流管理系统研究
- Dental Clinic Information Management System. 优医联盟口腔诊所管理系统。
- Cadastre management is the basic work in land management work system. 地籍管理是土地管理的基础技术性工作。
- Hong Long has the management system been in place? 该管理体系运作了多久?