- Land use statistics are at Appendix 41. 土地用途的统计数字列于附录43。
- Me: I brought the land use contract. 我埋头找那个土地承包合同,却一时找不到。
- Land use right may be transferred by law. 土地使用权可以依法转让。
- Land usufruct is the purpose of land use right. 摘要土地收益权是土地使用权的目的。
- Strengthen land titling and land management, regulate the transfer of land use rights, letting, management and allocation of land use rights mortgage market management. 加强土地产权登记和地价管理,规范土地使用权转让、出租、抵押管理和划拨土地使用权入市管理。
- The new law does not refer to land used for farming. 这条新的法律不适用于农用土地。
- Who should be responsible for the out-of-control land use? 土地失控谁之过?
- How to establish the deadline of land use right mortage? 土地使用权抵押期限如何设定?
- Land use planning and approval, project and site choice. 土地规划、用地审批。
- Anshan and Benxi were low,but Fushun high in land use intensity. 鞍山、抚顺和本溪3市土地利用程度变化综合指数分别为0.;82、4
- A bill to clarify certain land use in Jefferson County, Colorado. 466厘清科罗拉多州杰弗逊郡特定土地使用权法案。
- This paper analyzes current land use characteristics of Wuxi URIA. 本文分析了近年来无锡市城乡结合部的土地利用特点;
- Land use rights may be transferred, assigned or mortgaged. 土地使用权可以有偿出让、转让和抵押。
- The land use type with maximal change differed with the cities. 不同矿业城市变化率最大的土地类型均不相同,鞍山为建设用地,增加5.;45%25;
- The research concludes that urban land price can adjust the allocation of temporal and spatial structure of land use and the microcosmic allocation of land resources by means of price lever, optimizing the allocation of land resources. 结果表明:城市土地价格通过价格杠杆和竞争机制调控土地资源的总量配置、结构配置、各区配置、时序配置及微观配置等,对优化土地资源配置发挥着基础性作用。
- Beijing formulated on the basis of law and the allocation of land catalogue is a catalogue of determining the allocation of land use project sites could take earmarking land use rights. 而北京市根据法律规定制定划拨用地目录,属划拨用地目录确定用途的项目用地,可以采取划拨方式供应土地使用权。
- What is land uses overall planning? 什么是土地利用总体规划?
- Once approved,the general plans for the land use shall be implemented strictly. 土地利用总体规划一经批准,必须严格执行。
- New land use and conservation policies began to develop to meet this challenge. 为了应付这一挑战,提出了使用和保护土地的新政策。
- There has not been any definite statutory land use zoning for Green Island. 当局并未为青洲制定任何法定的土地用途分区计划。