- Based on the digitizing data of the land use map of the Taiping St. area in Wenling city between 1996 and 2001, the characteristics of land use changes were analyzed. 基于土地利用图的数字化数据,分析了1996-2001年温岭市太平街道土地利用的动态变化及其景观生态效应。
- The evaluation section of the spatial database consisted of the overlayed patches the current land use map and the basic farmland protection map and the soil map. 耕地地力评价单元通过叠加土地利用现状图、基本农田保护区规划图和土壤图所形成的图斑组成。
- While applying it, we study the spatial distribution of PN (P) load on the Guishui watershed according to the DEM and the information obtained from land use map and soil map. 根据妫水河流域的土壤图、土地利用图及数字高程模型,应用新的模型研究了妫水河流域颗粒态氮磷污染负荷的空间分布。
- Optimization of Land Use Map Updating at County Level 县级土地利用基础图件更新方法优化研究
- THE CARTOGRAPHIC RESEARCHES ON THE LAND USE MAP IN THE SMALL SCALE 小比例尺土地利用图制图研究 以设计1:100万全国土地利用图总色标和编制《北京》幅彩色样图试验为例
- Charting the Present Land Use Map Based on the Remote Sensing Technology 基于遥感技术的土地利用现状图的制作
- The Research of the Methods by Satellite Photograph in Working out Land Use Map 利用卫片编制土地利用图的方法研究
- Geometric Rectification of Quick Bird Image for Urban Land use Map Updating 影像在城市土地利用图件更新中的几何校正研究
- The Design and Realization of Vector Operation Module In the Land Use Map Updating System 土地利用基础图件更新系统中矢量操作模块的设计与实现
- Discussion and Practice on Application of MAPGIS into Present Land Use Map Digitalization--Take the Present Land Use Map of Sanshui City for Example 应用MAPGIS进行土地利用现状图数字化的实践和探讨--以三水市土地利用现状图为例
- Land use statistics are at Appendix 41. 土地用途的统计数字列于附录43。
- Me: I brought the land use contract. 我埋头找那个土地承包合同,却一时找不到。
- Land use right may be transferred by law. 土地使用权可以依法转让。
- Land usufruct is the purpose of land use right. 摘要土地收益权是土地使用权的目的。
- The new law does not refer to land used for farming. 这条新的法律不适用于农用土地。
- land use mapping 土地利用制图
- Study on Land Use Map Revising in County Scale Using High-Resolution Digital Satellite Remote Sensing Image 高分辨率卫星遥感影像数字化更新县级土地利用基础图件的试验研究
- land use map 土地利用图
- If a man doesn't even know how to use maps,what good is he? 如果连地图都不认识,那怎么行啊!
- What is land uses overall planning? 什么是土地利用总体规划?