- Could land usage right be transferred or leased? 土地使用权可否出租或转让?
- Could land usage right in the Park be continued after expiration? 土地使用权到期后可否待续?
- How to confirm the deadline and transfer fund when the land usage was changed? 改变用途后,土地出让金及出让年限应如何确定?
- What are the stipulations about fixed years at state owned land usage right remising? 关于国有土地使用权的出让年限有何规定?
- The Edgeworth box is used to explain the land allocation efficiency and the objective of sustainable land usage. 用埃奇沃思框图解释土地配置效率和土地可持续利用的目标 ,提出从社会人的角度实现资源配置帕累托“次优”的目标 ;
- Our result could potentially be used to increase crop yield and efficiency of land usage. 我们的研究将为提高作物产量,增加土地利用率提供理论依据。
- Improving land usage and technology level as well as strengthening characteristic management is the trend of urban industrial zone development. 都市型工业园区的发展具有地域性、阶段性等特征,提高用地效益、增强科技含量、强化经营特色是都市型工业园区的发展趋势。
- Land usage right transfer and lease period shall be in compliance with fixed land usage years minus the years the consignor had used. 土地使用权转让或出租年限,按土地使用权的年限减去出让者已使用的年限。
- Land price: It is special discount price to provide the satisfied land for the investor, and be responsible for carrying out the state-owned land usage certificate. 土地价格:从优为投资者提供满意的土地,并负责办理国有土地使用证。
- Not only providing social guarantees to farmer is low level through divide equally the land usage power, but also still hinders the development of the rural economy. 通过均分土地使用权向农民提供的社会保障不仅是低水平的,而且还妨碍了农村经济的发展。
- The administration of collection of agricultural tax, animal husbandry tax, cultivated land usage tax and deed tax shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law. 农业税、牧业税、耕地占用税、契税的征收管理,参照本法有关规定执行。
- When Land usage right is transferred or leased, both parties of transfer and lease must go to Land Management Bureau in Bureau District to change registration procedures of transfer and lease. 土地使用权转让或出租时,转让和出租双方必须到金山区房土管理局转让出租变更登记手续。
- Urban land usage and traffic based on CA model 基于CA模型的城市土地利用与交通的初探
- right of countryside dwelling house land usage 宅基地使用权
- economizing intensive land usage 节约集约用地
- investigation of land usage alteration 土地变更调查
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- the land usage fight circulation 使用权流转
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。