- land type map 土地类型图
- Our best option is to halt the destruction of this land type. 我们的最佳选择方案是停止破坏这种土地类型,
- Other land type vehicles or water craft, e. G boats, ships, and etc, are prohibited. 禁止使用其他地面车辆和水上交通工具。
- You can view and modify default account type mappings. 您可以查看并修改默认的帐户类型映射。
- Default built-in type mappings are not stored in this catalog view. 默认的内置类型映射不存储在这个编目视图中。
- Example: Dryad Arbor's type line says "Land Creature -- Forest Dryad." Forest is a land type, and Dryad is a creature type. 3e若神器生物牌的类别栏上面印制了副类别,则这些副类别均为生物类别。若神器地的类别栏上面印制了副类别,则这些副类别均为地类别。
- According to the chemical composition and the amount of salt as the chief indexes, the saline soil in Gansu Province was classified, and the Type Map of Saline Soil in Gansu Province was drawed. 摘要以盐渍土所含盐的化学成分和含盐量为主要指标,对盐渍土进行分类,绘制了甘肃省盐渍土类型分布图;
- According to the topography,land type suitability and human activity,the urban area of Shenyang City was regionalized into four landscape functional regions,i. 依据自然要素(地貌和土地适宜性)和人为要素(人类活动强度),对沈阳市域进行了景观功能区划。
- Witnessing Disney Land type magic junfolding in front of my eyes with each ball and action by Il Genio coupled with Il Divino Codino. Breathe-taking stuff! 天纵奇才的萨维切维奇与神奇马尾辫巴乔联手出击,天下无敌,他们的配合行云流水,巧夺天工,带给你迪斯尼乐园般神奇和不可思议的感受。他们触球的每一刹那,都会在瞬间夺去你的呼吸!
- Until then, work on mastering the type mapping information outlined here. 在那之前,请努力掌握此处所概述的类型映射信息。
- Objective:To establish the gene typing map of Listeria monocytogenes by random amplification polymophism DNA(RAPD). 目的:对单核细胞增生李斯特菌进行随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)基因分型研究。
- Habitats of lower land type with Asarum forbesii as its hostplant are more seriously disturbed by human activities than habitats of higher mountain type, where the hostplant is Asarum sieboldii. 高山类型的寄主植物为细辛,人为干扰较轻。中华虎凤蝶幼期发生历期和存活受光照、温度、湿度等气候因素影响显著。
- The reciprocal transformation between saline or alkaline land, desert and other unused land types is also important. 另外盐碱地、沙漠和其他未利用土地之间的相互转化也非常重要。
- The following table shows how sqltype: type mappings in WSDL instances generated through the Wsdl. Exe tool to map to their corresponding CLR types. 下表说明通过Wsdl.;exe工具生成的WSDL实例中的sqltype:type映射映射到其对应CLR类型的情况。
- The Genju are a cycle of six local enchantments that enchant specific land types. 源兽是六张一组的区域性结界,都只能结附在特定类别的地上。
- The enchanted land loses its existing land types and any abilities printed on it. 受此结界的地会失去原本的地类别与上面所印制的所有异能。
- The resolution of type mappings will percolate up the chain until a match is found. 类型映射的解析将贯穿链直到找到一个匹配的。
- Specifies a field's type, and optionally a vCard property to which the field type maps. 设置一个字段的类型,通常这个字段的类型会映射到一个vCard属性表。
- The analysis to sandy desertification land types shows that the moving sand dune decreases, semi-fixed sand dune and fixed sand dune increase. 从沙化土地类型上分析,流动沙地面积减少,半固定、固定沙地面积增加。
- A collection of XmlSchema objects to which element declarations obtained from type mappings are to be added. XmlSchema对象的集合,其中将添加从类型映射获取的元素声明。