- land survey content 地籍调查
- Article 27 The State fosters land survey system. 第二十七条 国家建立土地调查制度。
- The long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. 长距离激光测距仪是特别设计用来地面测量.;它适用于远距离测量,精度高,功能广泛,便于携带,而且容易操作。它还可用于不同的环境测量,河道、航道,标竿,电信,电缆,地质测量,气象、机场、森林等。
- The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale, lease modifications and land resumption. 该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。
- A north-south strip of townships, each six miles square, numbered east and west from a specified meridian in a U.S. public land survey. 六英里城镇分区美国公地测量中以某条特定子午线为起点,从东向西标号,占地六平方公里的一系列南北条状城镇
- A public land surveying unit of36 sections or36 square miles. 一种公共土地的测量单位,为36平方英里
- The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale,lease modifications and land resumption. 该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。
- The social groups and entities and individuals related to the land survey shall assist in the land survey work according to the provisions of this Regulation. 社会团体以及与土地调查有关的单位和个人应当依照本条例的规定,配合土地调查工作。
- The office,being the Survey Authority under the Land Survey Ordinance,is responsible for checking the quality of land subdivision plans submitted by Authorised Land Surveyors and maintains a record of these plans for reference by other land surveyors. 根据《土地测量条例》,担任土地测量监督的测绘处,负责审核由认可土地测量师提交的土地分割图则的质素,并备存这些图则的记录,以供其他土地测量师参考。
- The office, being the Survey Authority under the Land Survey Ordinance, is responsible for checking the quality of land subdivision plans submitted by Authorised Land Surveyors and maintains a record of these plans for reference by other land surveyors. 根据《土地测量条例》,担任土地测量监督的测绘处,负责审核由认可土地测量师提交的土地分割图则的质素,并备存这些图则的记录,以供其他土地测量师参考。
- The object of marine survey is the seabed covered by seawater, so the methods and instrumentataion used for the marine survey are greatly different from those used for the land survey. 摘要海洋测量的对象是一个受海水覆盖、人们不能直接接触的海底。与险地测量相比,海洋测量所使用的方法、仪器设备等有很大的不同。
- Hong Kong Principal Datum: The level to which land surveys in Hong Kong are referenced. 香港主水平基准面:香港测量土地的基础高度。
- Yellow Sea Datum: The level to which land surveys in mainland China are referenced. 黄海基准面:中国大陆测量土地的基础高度。
- In the on-site survey, on-site operations and inquiry of the relevant entities and individuals, the land surveyors shall present the work certificate of land surveyor. 土地调查人员进行现场调查、现场作业以及询问有关单位和个人时,应当出示土地调查员工作证。
- Land surveying, for example, involves 17 steps, which can take anything from a few months to several years. 比如土地测量就有17个步奏,每一个步奏都会花掉几个月到几年不等。
- While the company has a new insurance land surveyor policy, the land surveyor still remains with the possibility of lawsuits. 虽然该公司有一个新的保险土地测量师的政策,土地测量师仍然是有可能的诉讼。
- Ms Holcomb had intended to start with the fifth-century “Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum”, an illustrated volume about land surveying. 霍尔科姆女士原本打算以五世纪的“罗马土地测量书”开场的,这是一份有关土地调查的插图书籍。
- Construction layouts that need precise measurements of the land, its elevation, and volume will need the work of a good land surveyor. 建设布局,需要精确测量的土地,其海拔,和数量将需要工作的一个很好的土地测量师。
- A land surveyor is somebody who is involved with land by measuring the field, reading old cadastral records and making data analysis. 土地测量师是谁是有人参与土地测量领域,读旧地籍记录和数据分析。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。