- A nearly flat land surface representing an advanced stage of erosion. 准平原一种因晚期侵蚀作用而形成的近似平坦的地面
- The land surface is inundated by a transgressive sea. 陆地的表面为侵进的海水淹没。
- One obvious impact is the radical atteration of the land surface. 一种显而易见的影响是大地表面剧烈的改变。
- The natural features of a land surface unaltered by human beings. 未受人类改变的自然地貌
- Development of a Land Surface Model. Part II: Data Assimilation. 陆地表面模式的发展,第二部分:数据同化。
- One obvious impact is the radical alteration of the land surface. 一种显而易见的影响是大地表面剧烈的改变。
- They do not preempt the land surface that is useful for other purposes. 它们不预先占用对其它目的有用的地面。
- The Rhne-Aggregation Land Surface Scheme Intercomparison Project: An Overview. 集成陆地表面方案向胡比较:综述。
- The Role of the Land Surface Background State in Climate Predictability. 气候科预报性中陆地表面背景状态的作用。
- Estimation of Land Surface Temperature over the Tibetan Plateau Using GMS Data. 用GMS数据估计青藏高原陆地表面温度。
- Sial is the base on which the land surfaces of the Earth stand. 硅铝带是地球陆地表面的基
- In effecting recharge by flooding, water is spread over the land surface in a thin sheet. 以漫灌法所进行的补给是将水成片地铺洒在地面上。
- People settled down to the idea that the earth's land surface is something fired ,and would not be extended any more . 人们确定了这样一种想法:地球表面的陆地部分似乎是固定的,不会再延伸了。
- Obtaining a rea-sonable description of these hydrological processes is one key problem for land surface studies. 对这些水文过程进行合理参数化是陆面水文模型研究的核心问题。
- A Local Forecast of Land Surface Wetness Conditions Derived from Seasonal Climate Predictions. 从季节气候预报得到陆地表面湿度状态的局地预报。
- Ground water is the water that saturates the pores and cracks in soil and rock beneath the land surface. 地下水是充满在地面底下土壤与岩石的孔隙中的水。
- After a rain part of the water seeps into these openings and percolates beneath the land surface. 雨后,部分的水就渗进这些洞隙,并在地底下渗透。
- Humans take up 83 percent of the Earth's land surface to live on, farm, mine or fish, leaving just a few areas pristine for wildlife, according to a new report recently. 根据最近一份新的报告,人类占据了地球地面的83%25,在上面生活、耕种、采矿和捕鱼,只将少数未开发的地区留给了野生动物。
- Effect of soil conservation forest depends on land surface cover of dead leave and soil condition. 水土保持林的效益主要取决于林地枯落物和林地土壤状况。
- The loose soft material that makes up a large part of the surface of the land surface. 构成大部分土地表面的松软材料。