- Application of the artificial neural network in land subsidence prediction in the urban area of Tianjin Municipality, China 人工神经网络在天津市区地面沉降预测中的应用
- land subsidence prediction 大面积地面沉降
- The rock mechanics problems existing in wellbore stability,sand production prediction,land subsidence and fracture extension have been studied for about 20 years in China. 国外近20年来一直致力于研究石油工程问题,如:井筒稳定性、产砂预测、地面沉降及水力裂缝扩展机理等所涉及到的岩石力学问题。
- Overexploiting underground water will cause land subsidence. 过分的开采地下水,会造成地面下陷。
- The settlement isoline map, based on subsidence prediction in mining area, is difficult to be directly applied to land planning in mining area and MGIS analysis due to its different data structure from digital terrain map. 摘要基于开采沉陷预计的采煤区下沉等值线图不便于直观地反映矿区地形的动态变化,其图形数据结构与数字地形图存在差异,难以直接用于规划设计和矿区GIS分析。
- An excessive amount of groundwater is the major cause of land subsidence. 过量开采地下水是造成地面沉降的主要原因。
- Subsidence prediction model combining RS and ANN( artificial neural network) is estab1 ished. 建立了以粗集作为前处理器,基于粗集与神经网络相结合的开采沈陷预计模型。
- Subsidence prediction model combining RS and ANN (artificial neural network) is estab1ished. 建立了以粗集作为前处理器,基于粗集与神经网络相结合的开采沈陷预计模型。
- The cause of formation and harm of the land subsidence are introduced, and the control measures are brought forward. 摘要介绍了地面沉降的成因和危害,提出防治措施。
- Based on collected data, the mechanism and solutions of land subsidence is discussed. 在多方收集资料的基础上,探讨了地面沉降的机理并对如何防治做了初步探讨。
- Further derivation leads to a linear relationship between land subsidence and aquifer drawdown. 陕西工程勘察研究院广东广州;
- In addition, the significance of the disaster causal critical water table to preventing land subsidence disaster and exploiting groundwater resource reasonably is also analyzed. 分析了地面沉降成灾临界水位对预防地面沉降灾害发生及合理开采地下水资源的重要意义。
- When other factors such as land subsidence and compaction, groundwater depletion, and natural climate variation are considered. 将其他因素考虑在内,如土地下陷压紧,地下水枯竭,气候的自然变化。
- Finally, three dimensional land subsidence model should be develope in which horizontal displacement and ground fissures are considered. 最后,建立三维沉降模型,考虑水平位移和地裂缝问题。
- On the basis of the different deformation characteristics, some management countermeasures are put forward for controlling land subsidence. 针对各承压含水层不同的变形特点,提出了地下水资源管理与地面沉降防治对策。
- Some are building reservoirs; others are draining so much water from underground aquifers that several cities have reported serious land subsidence. 一些城市修水库,而另外一些城市就疯狂开采地下水资源,以至于好几个城市出现了地表下陷的险情。
- To prevent land subsidence can do to limit the groundwater mining and water resources use, make use of measures such as the rationalisierung. 防止地面沉降可采取限制地下水的开采、水资源的适当利用、合理化使用等措施。
- Land subsidence behaves slowly developing properties by increasing the risk and frequency of flood and waterlogs disasters. 地面沉降也通过洪涝、潮汛等显性灾害的成灾风险与致灾频率的增加,而体现出缓变型灾害的本质。
- Land subsidence is one of the focuses of contradiction between resources and environment in cities in the plain area of eastern China. 摘要地面沉降是我国东部沿海平原地区城市化进程中,资源与环境如何由对立走向统一的焦点之一。
- Because groundwater has long been overdrawn improperly in coastal area that caused serious land subsidence, seawater intrusion, and soil salinity. 但因为不当规划抽用导致地下水位持续下降,使得屏东沿海地区发生海水入侵、地层下陷及土壤盐化等灾害。