- The Reform and Adaptation of Land Property Right System in Rural Areas of China after the Foundation of P.R.C. 建国后中国农村土地产权制度的改革与变通。
- The root is not clear land property rights system, making it local officials colluding with unscrupulous traders and profiteering. 根源就在于不明晰的土地产权制度,使其成为地方官员和不法商人勾结谋取暴利的工具。
- Urban land property right system is the basic section, as clarifying the property right is prerequisite for any transaction. 城市土地产权制度在城市地产交易制度中处于基础性地位,因为对于任何一项交易而言,产权明晰是交易的前提。
- Agricultural land property right system 农地产权制度
- The policy and advice about the relation of collectivity land property right system and expropriating land compensation system in Guangxi province 广西集体土地产权制度与征地补偿分配机制关系的政策建议
- Are my land property rights secure? 我的土地产权有保障吗?
- Basic Thoughts about Building City Land Property Right System of our Country 我国城市土地产权制度建设的基本思路
- land property rights system 土地产权制度
- Therefore,it is an urgent task to innovate the system of land property right in rural area for the development of market economy in the rural area... 顺应时代发展的潮流,实现农村土地产权制度的创新,已成为我国发展农村市场经济、建设社会主义新农村的当务之急。
- Intellectual property right system challenge and countermeasure II. 知识产权制度挑战与对策2。
- Economic Cooperative Game Analysis of the Land Property Right System Change on the Former Stage of Tang Dynasty 唐代前期土地产权制度变迁的经济博弈分析
- Distinct land property right is the basic premise of land market transaction. 土地产权明晰是土地市场交易的基本前提。
- So the reform of the rural land property rights institution can not blench the hypersensitive problem. 在这组权利束中,所有权处于核心地位,因此农村土地产权改革无法绕开这个敏感的问题。
- Zhang Xiaoshan, Yuan Peng. Studies on the property rights system of cooperative shares enterprises in rural areas. [张晓山;苑鹏等.;农村股份合作制企业产权制度研究
- Farming land property right constitutes one of the important factors of the "pushing force". 农地产权制度状况是构成农村推力的一个重要因素。
- The principle of establishing the property right system is the interiorization of externality cost of mine enterprise. 产权制度建立的原则是将矿山企业负外部性成本内化。
- Land Development Right (LDR) in England is nationalized.In England, land property rights consist of national LDR and private property rights. 摘要英国的土地发展权具有公有性质,其与土地中属于地主原来已依法取得的私有产权合成土地财产权的全部。
- In the end, the author discusses the problem of how to reform its property rights system for railway construction enterprise including MBO and ESOP. 第三,结合铁路施工企业的实际,就应用管理层收购(MBO)、职工持股计划(ESOP)对铁路施工企业深化产权改革进行了探讨。
- The ascription of public system hospital property rights system is one of the factors that determine the performance of public system hospital. 公有制医院产权归属是决定公有制医院绩效的因素之一。
- Second, it is known that how to protect the land property rights and their transaction security is another key factor which affects the institutional efficiency. 其次,本文认识到,如何恰当地保护产权是影响土地制度效率的另一个关键要素。