- land mobile statellite service 卫星地面移动业务
- Public Land Mobile Network. Another name for a GSM phone network. 陆上公用移动通信网,gsm电话网络的别名。
- PLMN Public Land Mobile Network. Another name for a GSM phone network. 陆上公用移动通信网,GSM电话网络的别名。
- AGT will provide the integrated land mobile radio solution as well as video teleconferencing systems for the program. AGT公司将为该计划提供集成陆地移动无线解决方案和视频会议系统。
- An Allowable PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) is a PLMN which is not included in the FPLMN (Forbidden PLMN) list. 如果您对本术语有补充,请登陆后发表评论,谢谢!
- The agreement covers data, voice, land mobile radio and video teleconference networks. 该协议覆盖了数据、音频、陆地移动电台和视频电话会议网络等。
- The re-planning of bands in the land mobile service 陆地移动业务中的频带重新规划
- LMSS Land Mobile Satellite Service 地面移动卫星服务
- Digital transmission in the land mobile service 在陆地移动业务中的数字传输
- Digitally encoded speech in the land mobile service 在陆地移动业务中数字编码语音
- PLMN Public Land Mobile Network POTS Plain Old Telephony Service 传统电话业务实时传输协议
- VHF land mobile radio communication equipment 甚高频陆地移动无线通信设备
- UHF land mobile radio communication equipment 超高频陆地移动无线通信设备
- Multipath environment measurements at UHF for land mobile satellite service UHF频段陆地卫星移动通信业务多径效应测量
- FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telephone System 未来陆地移动电话系统
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System 未来公共陆地移动电讯系统
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。