- land line facilities 陆线设施
- A land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave. 陆上线路可以是金属或光纤电缆或者微波线路。
- So when ever there is a land line available use it in preference to your cell. 优先使用有线电话,而非行动电话。
- LLCOF Land Line Communication Facilities 陆地线路通信设备
- A police officer, standing about15 yards away, held upacardboard sign offering a telephone land line as anotherofficerheld up the handset. A third officer used a bullhorn. 一位警察站在15码远的地方,手中举着牌子提示可以为他们提供电话,另一名警察手持听筒,还有一名警察拿着扩音器。
- A police officer, standing about 15 yards away, held upacardboard sign offering a telephone land line as anotherofficerheld up the handset. A third officer used a bullhorn. 一位警察站在15码远的地方,手中举着牌子提示可以为他们提供电话,另一名警察手持听筒,还有一名警察拿着扩音器。
- A police officer, standing about 15 yards away, held up a cardboard sign offering a telephone land line as another officer held up the handset. A third officer used a bullhorn. 一位警察站在15码远的地方,手中举着牌子提示可以为他们提供电话,另一名警察手持听筒,还有一名警察拿着扩音器。
- For longer conversations, use a land line with a corded phone, not a cordless phone, which uses electromagnetic emitting technology similar to that of cell phones. 拨打电话时等对方接听之后才将手机放到耳边,这样可以减少电磁辐射的时间和强度。
- Telephone systems are at the heart of business, whether it is a standard land line, mobile phones, voicemail, teleconferencing, or Internet phone software.? 电话系统是商务的核心,不管它是普通的固定电话,移动电话,语言邮件,电话会议或者是互联网电话。
- Land Lines Communications Facilities 有线通信设施
- My province and Korea border, border land line is longer, korea is illegal people living on the frontiers from time to tome flee hither and thither commits the crime to my border town, bourg. 我省与朝鲜毗邻,边境线较长,朝鲜不法边民时有流窜到我边境城市、村镇作案。
- Land Line Communication Facility 陆线(有线)通讯设施
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。
- How they long to get a sight of their native land! 他们多么渴望看一看故乡啊!