- Land levelling project designed for much suited for planting or other using by navvy work according to specific conditions and standards is the base of the project. 土地平整工程规划设计就是为使平整后的土地具有更适合种植或者其他用途的需要而根据一定的条件、按照一定的标准所进行的土方挖填和调配的过程。
- land levelling project 土地平整工程
- First, the government will monopolize the land level development. 首先,政府将垄断土地的一级开发。
- First, the imposition of export markets combined land level. 一是实行内外销土地一级市场并轨。
- Looking for the nuclear electrical project in domain country level project and the cooperation partner. 望能寻求到核电领域国家级项目的合作项目及企业。
- Tianjin land level findings indicate that the overall focus of Tianjin city southwards. 天津市土地级别调查结果显示,天津市城市重心整体南移。
- In Tsengwen Dam Raise Reservoir Water Level Project at Taiwan, the greatest construction risk is the overtopping of the dam by flood when the crest is lowered by excavations. 但在取得成绩的同时,也陆续出现了若干座水库在除险加固完成后或加固过程中发生溃坝的不正常现象,反映病险水库除险加固工作还存在不可忽视的缺陷。
- A laser land leveling technology is application in the harvester in the paper. 文章是关于激光测平技术在收盐机应用的方案设计。
- Leading cross functional teams in the development of new product projects, coordinating high level project plan, insure projects on-time completion. 通过跨部门的协调,制定产品开发计划及管理产品开发项目以保证按时完成。
- PY160C grader is mainly used for land levelling, ditching, slop scraping , bulldozing, ripping, snowremoving in large areas of highway, airport, farmland etc, it is mecessary equipment for farmland improving. PY160C型平地机主要用于公路,机场,农田等大面积平整和挖沟,刮坡,推土、松土、除雪等作业及农田改良所必须的工程机械设备。
- Land leveller is a special machinery for levelling the land surface by the scraper which assembled between the front wheels and rear wheels. 平地机是一种利用刮刀平整地面的土方机械。
- Upper Left is the Laser Emitter.Below is the Practice of the Laser-Controlled Land Leveling. 右上图为激光发射装置,左下图为激光控制平地技术应用实践。
- This is the first time for CFA researchers to gain national and ministerial level projects. 这是我馆研究人员第一次成批量、大规模地获得国家、省部级研究项目。
- No closed balcony construction area half the size of its external level projection calculations. 未封闭阳台的建筑面积按其外围水平投影面积的一半计算。
- Extensive land leveling is often required because the topography must be smoother than for furrow irrigation. 由于畦灌的地形必须比沟灌的平坦,因此,常常需要大面积平整土地。
- We have made it a rule not to allow a deficit in our regular budget and not to exceed the deficit level projected at the beginning of the year in our capital development budget. 我们始终坚持经常性预算不打赤字,建设性预算赤字不突破年初确定的规模。
- Recently, the Beijing construction projects in Beijing for the first time approved the use-right of state-owned land could be used to transfer the land level development mode, the land leasing. 近日,北京市首次批准在京建设项目中可采用国有土地使用权有偿转让的土地一级开发方式,即土地批租。
- The earliest land leveler on the world is born in the Gederuiji that is located in Canada to install rude province (Goderich) . 世界上最早的平地机就诞生在位于加拿大安大略省的哥德瑞奇(Goderich)。
- In the report's sea level projections, she excluded estimates for the impact of melting ice caps because modelling such a process is fraught with uncertainty. 在报告对海平面的预测中,她删去了对冰盖融化影响的估算,因为对这种过程进行模型分析充满了不确定性。
- Exit topological features is nicer, land leveler grows 61.5% , bulldozer keeps balance basically, fork-lift truck glides 11.7% , detailed sees a table 1. 出口形势较好;平地机增长61.;5%25;推土机基本持平;装载机下滑11