- However, some of the positive trends represent woodland and bush encroachment into rangeland and farmland - which is not generally regarded as land improvement. 尽管如此,部分积极的发展趋势表现为林地和灌木丛对牧场和农田的侵占,这通常不被认为是土地改善。
- Based on the theory and practice, 28-word strategy of the land improvement of loess plateau and the concept of conservational eco-agriculture were presented. 根据黄土高原小流域治理理论与实践,提出了黄土高原国土整治的“28字方略”及水土保持型生态农业概念;研究了小流域生态系统健康评价方法及指标体系。
- The paper puts forward the comprehensive improvement measures of soil and water environment, land improvement, consolidated slope, revegetation and drainage engineering technology. 结合辽宁省实际,研究提出了辽宁省城市水土环境综合治理技术,包括土地整治技术、固坡工程技术、植被重建技术和排水工程技术。
- Cut-over land improvement in forest regeneration 林木更新应进行迹地改良
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
- Under many conditions, the recovery of UAV is necessary, so the control of automatic landing improved greatly. 在很多情况下要求顺利安全地回收无人机,因此,自动着陆控制有着广阔的研究发展前景。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。
- How they long to get a sight of their native land! 他们多么渴望看一看故乡啊!
- He came and staked out a claim to the land. 他来提出要求说那块地应归他占有。
- He makes a grant of land to his son. 他将土地受让给他的儿子。
- The land is destined for a new shopping center. 这块地已被划作为营建一个新购物中心之用。
- The land is to be sold with plan permission. 这块地与建筑许可证一并出售。
- The spy was dishonourably banished from, the land. 那个间谍被不光彩地驱逐出境。
- The land dips sharply to the south. 那块地向南急速倾斜。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。