- Late that night he landed at a motel. 那晚他到了一家汽车旅馆。
- The troops were landed at a beachhead. 部队被送到滩头堡登陆。
- We landed at a small airport in Katmandu. 我们快要降落时,我看到了雄伟的圣母峰。
- land at a motel 在汽车旅馆歇脚
- Consider staying at a motel, or buy groceries and cook your own meals. 考虑一下在汽车旅馆呆着,或者去杂货铺买些东西自己做饭。
- In between attacks they'll have to land at a friendly airbase. 在攻击中他们降落在友方基地。
- A Boeing 747 jumbo jet airliner lands at a speed of 160m/s. 一架波音747巨型喷气式班机以160米/秒的速度着陆。
- Have you ever stopped at a motel or hotel with your children when their first words weren't "Made sure it has a swimming pool"? 你想想,哪一次在汽车旅馆或饭店逗留时你孩子的头一句话不是“看看他们有没有游泳池”?
- We were lucky enough to latch onto a valuable piece of land at a low price . 我们幸运地以低价获得一块贵土。
- We were lucky enough to latch onto a valuable piece of land at a low price. 我们幸运地以低价获得一块贵土。
- The traveler put up at a motel. 这位旅客在汽车旅馆里过夜。
- Developers a common way is to absorb speculative land at a low price and then dished up high. 开发商投机的一种常见方式就是吸纳低价土地,然后高价时抛出。
- There will be a crew change when we land at Dubai. 我们在迪拜着陆后时更换机组人员。
- What did the federal government do to encourage people to settle in the Prairie provinces during the early 1900s They offered land at a cheap price. 1900年代初,联邦政府用什麽方法来鼓励人民在草原省份居住下来让人民以廉价买地。
- The unplowed land at the end of a plowed furrow. 在犁沟末端未耕种的土地。
- The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone. 笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。
- They sojourned at a motel. 他们停留在一家汽车旅馆。
- He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money. 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。
- We took the wrong turning and landed at a small town in the middle of nowhere. 我们转错了弯,来到一个十分偏僻的小镇。
- They stop at a motel, where Nathaniel sneaks out to give Giselle a poisoned apple while Pip, unable to speak in this world, has a frustrating time alerting the Prince of the minion's intentions. 男人爱一个人本来就不拘小节,平时比较不注意用特别的方式去表现爱。