- The city faces the rive and extends the sea.The land and water transport is very convenient. 产品以其卓越的性能,快捷周到的服务,国际先进的技术、畅销全国并出口,深受用户信赖。
- The fact that the highway from Nanning to Wuzhou runs through Guiping,and the three rivers meet together at Guiping,makes Guiping a convenient hub for land and water transportation. 南梧二级公路和黔、郁、浔三江形成水陆交通枢纽,交通十分方便。
- The GTP is also a new challenge for intra-EMR cooperation in customs and tariff, air rights, ground handling, and land and water transport coordination between the respective local governments. 然而,GTP的建设需要有关机场与地方政府间在关税、制空权、后勤服务以及水陆交通等方面进行协调,这将对该都会经济区的内部合作提出更新的挑战。
- Hovercraft can travel both on land and water. 气垫船可以水陆两用。
- a port city where land and water transport service is highly developed 水陆码头
- You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. 你眷顾地,降下透17雨,使地大得肥美。
- It is also a major source of land and water degradation. 它还是土地和水资源退化的一大根源。
- In the Sunbelt states competition for land and water will intensify. 在阳光充足地带的一些州,对土地和水的争夺会很激烈。
- He traveled over land and water before he found what he was looking for. 他经过长途跋涉才找到了所需要的东西。
- land and water transportation 水陆运输
- It is a transport junction for both land and water here, so business is bustling. 我们这里是水旱两路的交通枢纽,所以商业很繁荣。
- He travelled over land and water before he found what he was looking for. 他水陆长途跋涉需要找到他要找的东西。
- The beaver lives both on land and in water. 海狸既能在陆上生活也能在水里生活。
- People plant trees on badlands in order to reduce missing land ande water. 人们在荒丘上种植了树木以减少水土流失。
- In the Sunbelt states competition for land and water will intensify . 在阳光充足地带的一些州,对土地和水的争夺会很激烈。
- The characteristic of xylem conduit cavitation and embolism and water capacitance reflect the efficiency of water transportation and the function of water storage in tree species. 树体木质部导管空穴、栓塞及其组织水容特征反映了树体内水分的传输效率与存储功能。
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。
- Over the past years rail usage has declined as road transport has taken over short haul business and water transport has taken bulk commodities freight. 近些年来,随着公路主要从事短途业务及水路主要从事大批量的散货运输,铁路的业务量逐年呈下降趋势。
- The sublayer sandwiched between gas diffusion layer (GDL) and cat alyst layer can reduce water saturation in the catalyst layer and optimize gas and water transport. 在催化层和扩散层之间加入的扩散亚层能够减小催化层的水饱和度,优化扩散层中的水和气传输。
- She travelled over land and sea. 她在陆上和海上旅行。