- The same shall apply to the inheritance of jointly owned building property. 共有房产的继承亦同。
- The sun that from building droit card signs and issue rises, buyer begins to acquire building property. 自房屋所有权证签发之日起,买方开始取得房屋所有权。
- Article 26 The mortgage of jointly owned building property shall be carried out with reference to Article 15 of these Provisions. 第二十六条 共有房产的抵押,比照本规定第十五条执行。
- Buildings, residential buildings property management services. 公司简介:办公楼,住宅楼的物业管理,服务。
- Buy secondhand room, examine the integrality of building property right, dependability the most importantly seriously namely. 购买二手房,最重要的就是认真审查房屋产权的完整性、可靠性。
- Non-composite non-free features override components of composite features in a build property set. 非组合的非自由特性会覆盖构建属性集中的组合特性的元素。
- Article 15 For the purchase and sale or exchange of jointly owned building property, the joint owners must unanimously agree and conclude a written agreement. 第十五条 共有房产的买卖、交换,须经房产共有人的一致同意,订有书面协议。
- Article 16 A joint owner of building property may give or bequeath his or its own portion of the building property to another person without the consent of the other joint owners. 第十六条 房产共有人之一将属于自己份额的房产赠与或遗赠他人,可以不经其他共有人同意。
- If the money obtained from the auction sale of building property is insufficient to make repayment, the mortgagee shall have the right otherwise to make a claim. 拍卖房产所得价款如不敷偿还,承押人有权另行追索。
- When a joint owner sells his (its) own portion of the building property, the other joint owners have, under the same conditions, the right of first refusal to purchase. 房产共有人将自己份额的房产出售时,在同等条件下,其他共有人有优先购买权。
- A shortage of building land will push property values up. 建筑用地缺乏将造成房地产价格逐渐上升。
- Article 30 The lessee of a building may sublease the building he has rented to another person, provided that the consent of the owner of the building property must be obtained. 第三十条 房屋承租人可以将所租入的房屋转租他人,但须征得房产主同意。
- After building property rights have been transferred, building leases shall remain in force. The new and former owners of the building property shall jointly notify the lessee in writing. 房产权转移后,房屋租赁合同继续生效,新、旧房产主应联名以书面通知承租人。
- A mortgagee may entrust a legal advisors office in the Shenzhen Municipality to sign a building property mortgage contract on his behalf, provided that a power of attorney must be issued. 承押人可委托深圳市法律顾问处代理签订房产抵押合同,但须出具委托代理书。
- Building the new railway appreciates the value of the land. 修建这条铁路提高了土地的价值。
- Article 38 The leasing of buildings shall not impede the transfer of building property rights. 第三十八条 房屋出租,不妨碍房产权转移。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。