- He ran against a lamp post in the dark. 在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。
- The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the street lamp post. "我的汽车撞到街上的路灯柱子上,汽车外面的油漆被弄坏了。"
- The lorry hit the lamp post with a crash. 卡车緋的一声撞到路灯柱上了.
- She's drove it into a lamp post. 她把车子撞到路灯柱上去了。
- The lamp post has a slight tip to the west. 灯杆稍微有点向西歪。
- The car skidded and hit a lamp post. 那辆汽车打滑撞上了路灯杆。
- The defendant drove negligently and hit a lamp post. 被告不小心驾驶,撞到一根路灯柱上了。
- Lamp posts are standing at intervals along the street. 灯柱在街道两边相间排列。
- The trees, flower-beds and lamp posts are symmetrically placed. 树木、花圃和灯柱的位置都是对称的。
- Will you mind tell me how the car struck the lamp post ? 你可以告诉我那辆汽车怎么撞上灯柱的吗?
- Would you mind telling me how the car struck the lamp post? 你可以告诉我那辆汽车是怎么撞上灯柱的吗?
- What happened that day was that he drove into a lamp post. 那天他开车撞到了一棵电线杆。
- I usually chain my bike up to a lamp post or a fence. 我通常把自行车锁在灯柱或者栅栏上。
- Lamp posts stand at intervals in the street. 街上相隔不远就有路灯柱子。
- Didn' t your wife have a crash ? That' s right. She drove it in to a lamp post. 不是你妻子撞坏的吗?说对了,她把车撞到路灯柱子上去了。
- Didn't your wife have a crash? That's right. She drove it in to a lamp post. 不是你妻子撞坏的吗?说对了,她把车撞到路灯柱子上去了。
- The plane crashed into the ocean; the car crashed into the lamp post. 飞机坠落在海里;车撞击在灯柱上。
- The trees,flower-beds and lamp posts are symmetrically placed. 树木、花圃和灯柱的位置都是对称的。
- He use statistics as a drunken man use lamp post for support rather than for illumination. 他要利用统计数字,正如醉汉之利用电灯柱非为借光,实为撑腰。
- The trees,flower - beds and lamp posts are symmetrically placed. 树木、花圃和灯柱的位置都是对称的。