- Aimed at the transverse-force bend of Laminated Bamboo Strips Lumber Beam, it deduced the definite formula by High-order Shear Deformation Theory (HSDT). 针对竹篾层积材梁横力弯曲问题,推导得到了高阶剪切变形理论下的具体分析表达式。
- laminated bamboo strip lumber 竹篾层积材
- Research on the Theory of High-order Shear Deformation Used in the Laminated Bamboo Strips Lumber Beam 高阶剪切变形理论在竹篾层积材弯曲问题中的应用研究
- The structure in itself looks very chic with laminated bamboo abounding it. 凉亭结构设计样式非常别致有大量的夹竹层。
- The hardness of the hardboard was highest;on the other hand, laminated bamboo oors were superior to wood oors. 硬度方面,以硬质纤维板地板硬度最高,木、竹材地板方面,有竹材地板高于实木之趋势。
- Bamboo sign increases drawstring to all alone is braided and be become with bamboo thin bamboo strip. 竹帘是用竹篾片加上细绳索编织而成的。
- Make a framework with thin bamboo strips. 用竹篾做一个骨架。
- The result showed that the glued laminated bamboo exhibited excellent properties on horizontal shear strength, MOR and MOE, but the poor performance in an aging test. 结果表明:竹集成材的水平剪切强度、曲强度以及弹性模量等力学性能非常优越,浸渍剥离性能较差。
- The manufacture of Dasso bamboo floor only requires to take off the green and yellow rectangle part of bamboo,and make it into a square shaped bamboo strip. 大庄竹地板在制造时仅需要去除竹子的黄绿色的矩形部分,将其制成长方形的竹条即可。因而无需提取加工过程。
- This delicate crate of thin bamboo strips is my collection. 这个精美的篾篓, 是我的收藏品。
- The difference between industrial products and handicrafts lies in material standardization and mass production, in our case, such as the laminated bamboos or the bamboo veneers. 工业和工艺的差别,在于能否将材质规格化后用于量产,如竹层积材或竹薄片。
- asbestos gaiter reinforced with laminated bamboo 石棉竹片护腿
- laminated bamboo plywood of glass fiber reinforced 玻璃钢覆膜竹胶板
- The paper discussed the surface character of pigmentation bamboo strips by carbonizing and dyeing treatment. 该文通过竹片的炭化及染液着色处理,探讨了炭化处理竹片和染液着色竹片的表面性状。
- Grandpa is a skilled bamboo craftsman, and the mats of thin bamboo strips he weaves are of superb quality. 爷爷是个老篾工, 他编的席子可好了!
- These thin, and long bamboo strips are all materials for weaving mats and crates. 这些细长的篾子,都是编制竹席竹篓的材料。
- Elephants strip the leaves from trees. 大象剥去了树上的叶子。
- Laminated bamboo lumber 竹结构
- England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。
- In ancient China, curtains were made of bamboo strips woven together. They were used to shelter a room from view. 古时候“帘”是用切细的竹子编成的,挂在屋内可遮敝房间。