- It gets my goat the way he lays down the law on every subject under the sun. 他对一切事情都独断专行,这一作风使我很生气。
- The mother laid down the law to her daughter coming home late. 女儿回家晚了,母亲狠狠地训了她一顿。
- He's always laying down the law about gardening but he really doesn't know much about it. 他总是对园艺工作发号施令,其实他只是一知半解。
- The general laid down the law to the soldiers about awaiting orders to set off. 将军命令战士们待令出发。
- The doctor laid down the law,and told the patient to keep to a light diet. 医生严词属咐病人要吃容易消化的食物。
- The doctor laid down the law, and told the patient to keep to a light diet. 医生严词属咐病人要吃容易消化的食物。
- The government laid down the law that common people could not own guns. 政府严令私人有枪。
- The referee laid down the law to the players during the halt in proceedings. 在比赛暂停的时候,裁判狠狠地斥责了运动员。
- Stalin's apparatus simply lays down the law. 斯大林的机构简单地发号施令。
- The principal called in the students and laid down the law to them about skipping classes. 校长召集学生,申斥他们有关跳班的问题。
- On the subject fo sex, silence became the rule.The legitimate and procreative couple laid down the law. 人们对性奉行沉默法则,具有生育能力的合法夫妻才可窃窃私语。
- You shouldn't lay down the law to me about that. 你不应该就那件事来申斥我。
- He has laid down the gauntlet to his own team. 他已经对自己的车队放下他的保护手套。
- He could usually be found in the centre of a small group of people to whom he was laying down the law. 我们常看到他在一小群人当中发号施令。
- A constitution lays down the manner and means by which a state is governed. 宪法规定治理国家的方式方法。
- Bill laid down the egg he was peeling. 比尔放下手里正在剥的鸡蛋。
- They laid down the crown, and retained no aureole. 他们放下了冠冕,却没有保留光轮。
- The new code of conduct lays down the ground rules for management-union relations. 新的管理章程为劳资关系确定了基本的原则。
- You're going to have to lay down the law to these kids. 你将不得不去严厉地教训那些孩子一番了。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。