- Please go down the ladder and chuck up my hat. 请下梯子把我的帽子扔上来。
- She was badly hurt when she fell from the ladder. 她从梯子上跌下来,伤得很厉害。
- Please hand the basket up to Father on the ladder. 请把篮子递给梯子上的父亲。
- This ladder is riddled with woodworm. 这个梯子已经让蛀虫蛀了很多洞。
- Put on your skis before you slide down the chute. 先穿上雪屐再滑下陡坡道。
- Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。
- There is a laundry chute in the house. 房里有一个运脏衣物的滑道。
- He is too timid to get up to the top of the ladder. 他太胆小爬不上梯子的顶端。
- Be careful, there is a chute ahead. 小心,前面有急流。
- Have you any tights that won't ladder? 有没有不易抽丝的裤袜?
- It's considered unlucky to walk under a ladder. 从梯子下面走过被认为是不吉利的。
- Hard work is often a ladder to success. 发奋工作常是通向成功的阶梯。
- He climbed up the ladder, but soon got down. 他爬上了梯子,但不久就下来了。
- Diligence is often a ladder to success. 勤勉常常是通往成功的阶梯。
- May we have the loan of your ladder? 我们可以借用一下你的梯子吗?
- He propped the ladder against the wall. 他支起了梯子,把它靠在墙上。
- The pilot quickly grabbed a chute and jumped out of the plane. 飞行员迅速抓住一个降落伞跳出了飞机。
- Hand the paintbrush up to Father on the ladder. 把漆刷递上去交给梯子上的父亲。
- Rest the ladder against the wall. 把梯子靠在墙上吧。
- Hard work and long hour is rungs in the ladder of success. 刻苦努力和孜孜不倦是成功的梯阶。