- labium superius [医] [口]上唇
- labium superius oris 上唇
- A tonguelike structure in the labium of an insect. 中唇舌昆虫唇内的像舌状结构
- Induction: Inductance having hemp is radiative to labium. 感应:有麻电感放射至下唇。
- FemaleThe patient waits in size labium, clitoris, cervix place is most common. 女性病人则在大小阴唇、阴蒂、子宫颈等处最为常见。
- Objective:To investigate the incidence of labium fusion in female children. 目的:了解女童阴唇粘连的患病率。
- It happens to the penis in man and labium majus pudend,labium minus pudend,perineum locum around hymen in woman. 男性多发生于阴茎,女性多发生于大小阴唇、会阴、处女膜周围等会阴部位。
- The doctor says my labium sees cyst of body of gland of one soybean volume, are excuse me such meeting influences pregnant? 医生说我下唇可见一黄豆大小腺体囊肿,请问这样会影响怀孕吗?
- Whether can mucous cyst be labium all round string together in disorder everywhere? 下唇粘液囊肿是否会在周围到处乱串?
- Labium, clitoris, is lumbago to disease of what department of gynaecology belong to? 阴唇,阴蒂,腰痛是属于什么妇科病呢?
- From place for, basically happen in the side outside big labium, nympha of Yi Ke drag in, monsveneris, diffuse anus also is common. 从部位来说,主要发生在大阴唇外侧,亦可累及小阴唇、阴阜等,扩散到肛门也是常见的。
- Rather than labium majus pudendi skin flap, pudendofemoral flap could better maintain the eumorphism of postoperative vulva conformation. 供区相对隐蔽等优点,阴股沟皮瓣更优于大阴唇皮瓣,更能保持术后外阴形态的完好性。
- In the meantime, bilateral pigment of size labium cutaneous is deepened gradually, increase gradually, begin occurrence white secretion. 同时,双侧大小阴唇皮肤的色素渐加深,并逐渐增大,开始出现白色分泌物。
- Buccal periderm skin sees pigment spot, be located in all round labium and nostril, submit elliptic or irregular form, not tower above skin. 口周皮肤可见色素斑,位于下唇及鼻孔周围,呈椭圆形或不规则形,不高出皮肤。
- Show double bend back bow, split reed, single bend vertical reed, double bend vertical reed and practice double bend labium bow? 示教双曲后弓、分裂簧、单曲纵簧、双曲纵费并练习弯制双曲唇弓。
- Methods Hypertrophic small labium was reduced by semicircular excision at the base of the small labium or by the method of axial flap. 方法采取小阴唇基部半月形切除或轴型皮瓣法以缩小肥大的小阴唇。
- A drain tube extends from the upper end of the labium;this will drain any accumulated blood or fluid during the first few days after surgery. 从阴唇上端延伸下来一条排除液体的管子,这条管子在术后的几天内都会排出这个区域累积的淤血或体液。
- The instrument's specially designed air channel, it's rounded labium, and it's inner organ(keyhole) makes possible a transparent singing tone. 乐器上特别设计的空气通道,圆形的吹口,和它内部的结构(指孔)所有的这些使得音色具有穿透力和歌唱感。
- A drain tube extends from the u er end of the labium;this will drain any accumulated blood or fluid during the first few days after surgery. 从阴唇上端延伸下来一条排除液体的管子,这条管子在术后的几天内都会排出这个区域累积的淤血或体液。
- Facial strut often happens in labrum, affect later mucous membrane of labium, tongue, buccal, mental, nose, eye, eyelid, gingival, pharynx, soft palate, forehead, buccal ministry. 面部肿胀常发生在上唇,以后波及下唇、舌、颊、颏、鼻、眼、睑、齿龈、咽、软腭、前额、颊部粘膜。