- labium mandibulare 下颌唇, 口下唇, 下唇
- A tonguelike structure in the labium of an insect. 中唇舌昆虫唇内的像舌状结构
- There is something wrong with the mandibular joint. 你的下颌关节有点问题。
- Induction: Inductance having hemp is radiative to labium. 感应:有麻电感放射至下唇。
- The cysts are most often seen in the mandibular ramus or angle. 角化囊肿拥有明显的组织病理表徵,且以局部侵袭性和特高再发率著称。
- PR has especial diagnosis value for mandibular fractures. :PR优点是对下颌骨骨折诊断准确率高 ;
- Application of internal rigid fication in the mandibular fracture. 坚固内固定技术在下颌骨骨折中应用体会。
- FemaleThe patient waits in size labium, clitoris, cervix place is most common. 女性病人则在大小阴唇、阴蒂、子宫颈等处最为常见。
- The chin occupied 2/3 of the entire mandibular height. 上中下面高几乎各占全面高的1/3,上面高略大; 上唇与下颌高度比为1/2,下唇与下颌高度比略等于1/3,颏部与下颌高的比值略为2/3。
- Objective:To investigate the incidence of labium fusion in female children. 目的:了解女童阴唇粘连的患病率。
- The fistula was connected with mandibular body but the first molar. 颊瘘与外斜线相连,与下颌第一磨牙根尖不相通连。
- An Applied Anatomical study on the marginal mandibular Branch of facial nerve. 面神经下颌缘支的应用解剖学研究。
- Influence of inserting occlusal splints on the position of mandibular condyle. 咬合板高度对下颌髁突位置的影响。
- It happens to the penis in man and labium majus pudend,labium minus pudend,perineum locum around hymen in woman. 男性多发生于阴茎,女性多发生于大小阴唇、会阴、处女膜周围等会阴部位。
- The chin occupied more than 60 percent of the entire mandibular height. 颏占下颌高度的 60%25多。
- The SNB angle and mandibular plane angle (SN-MP) have no change (P>0.05). SNB及下颌平面角SN-MP无变化;P>0.;05;
- The doctor says my labium sees cyst of body of gland of one soybean volume, are excuse me such meeting influences pregnant? 医生说我下唇可见一黄豆大小腺体囊肿,请问这样会影响怀孕吗?
- X-ray cephalometry showed some cases with light mandibular prognathism. 均为替牙期功能性反牙合,X线头影测量显示部分病例为轻度下颌前突。
- Whether can mucous cyst be labium all round string together in disorder everywhere? 下唇粘液囊肿是否会在周围到处乱串?
- RE is partly or completely attached to the distal root of mandibular molars. 远舌根通常细短弯曲,它的出现增大了下颌第一磨牙根管治疗的难度。