- kunqu troupe 昆曲社
- Allow me to offer my warm congratulations on the success of your troupe. 请允许我对你们剧团的成功表示最热烈的祝贺。
- The acrobatic troupe livened the garden party up immensely. 杂技团的表演使游园会大为活跃。
- Lin Weilin, director of Zhejiang Kunqu Opera Troupe, said that Kunqu should not become a "cultural relic". 浙江昆剧团团长林为林说,昆曲不应该变成“文物”。
- Kunqu has a soft and tender melody. 昆曲的旋律很柔软。
- The troupe is touring the country. 剧团正在全国各地巡回演出。
- I watched a troupe of travelling actors. 我观看了一个巡回剧团演出。
- He is the soul of the entire troupe. 他是整个儿队伍的灵魂。
- The theatrical troupe is touring the country. 剧团正在全国各地巡回演出。
- He is without doubtthe best actor in this troup. 他确实是这个剧团最好的演员。
- The troupe goes where the fates wish. 剧团去往命运安排之处。
- At the performance of this professional troupe. 人家专业队伍的表演吧。
- Kunqu Opera stages a comeback on World Heritage Day. 在世界文化遗产日那天,昆曲表演风光再现。
- This Chinese Troupe is famous for its acrobatics. 这个中国马戏团以空中飞行杂技驰名。
- The troupe produced a new play last night. 剧团昨晚上演了一部新剧。
- Bei: Will you be in the dance troupe? 贝:你还会在舞蹈团吗?
- So, Kunqu elements are still discernible in Peking Opera. 在京剧里,我们还可以看到昆曲的影子。
- Ying Zhang autotrophic troupe for pleasure. 张家自养影戏班以供享乐。
- The Russian ballet troupe on tour. 俄国芭蕾剧团正在巡回演出。
- He was trained by Kunqu virtuosi Shen Chunakun and Xue Chuangang. 师从昆曲名家沈传锟、薛传钢先生,工净行。