- Knowledge Base articles can be found on the. 网站上找到知识库文章。
- You can also search for solutions in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. 也可以在Microsoft知识库中搜索解决方案。
- Key word: expert consultant system; gas; knowledge base. 关键词:专家系统、矿井瓦斯、知识库。
- Knowledge base system(KBS) is a core component of expert system. 知识库是专家系统的核心组成部分。
- Lester Thurow discusses the Knowledge Based Economy and Global Competition. 莱斯特.;梭罗;将讨论知识经济和全球竞争。
- Where Can I Find Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles on Database Topics? 哪里可以找到有关数据库主题的Microsoft知识库文章?
- The command line and instructions are included in the Knowledge Base article. 中包含了命令行和说明。
- The cost of living in the Russian capital is nearly 35 percent higher than in New York, which served as the base city for the survey released Monday. 该项于周一公布的调查显示,莫斯科的生活成本比“基准城市”纽约高近35%25。
- Please see the Knowledge Base Articles KB928366 for more information. 有关更多信息,请参阅知识库文章KB928366。
- Technological process suitable for coal based city gas should be chosen accord ing to the quality of coal and the scale of the factory and the coproduction of chemical products. 以煤为原料制取城市煤气,要根据煤质、工厂规模、联产化工产品等不同特点,来选择适宜的工艺路线,可以是煤的完全气化,也可以是煤的焦化。
- In this paper, a Knowledge Base System L1 KBS of L1 Language is discussed. L1语言是为开发机器学习系统而研制的。 本文在分析了机器学习系统的特征以后,讨论L1语言所设置的知识库系统LIKBS。
- Inventions differ in terms of the age of the knowledge base they build upon. 其他人认为创新随着知识基不同的阶段而变化。
- His articles shows that he has wide knowledge base, and a powerful memory. 你看他的文章,就知道其人博闻强志。
- For example, representatives of the original price to Hohhot for the relatively low base city, the development costs have a definite impact on the price increases. 比如以呼和浩特为代表的原有房价基数相对较低的城市,开发成本增加对房价上涨有一定影响。
- We recognise the importance of information technology and we are committed to make Hong Kong a knowledge based society. 我们深明资讯科技的重要性,并有决心使香港成为一个以知识为本的社会。
- The resource based city rises because of development of local forest,mineral resources,and it is a kind of special city that they mainly rely on the resource based industry to support the development of whole urban economy within one period. 资源型城市是因当地森林、矿产资源的开发而兴起,并在一段时期内主要依靠资源型产业支撑整个城市经济发展的一种特殊城市和地区类型。
- Surveyors have undoubtedly contributed enormously towards building a knowledge based society. 毫无疑问,香港测量师学会一直贯彻创建一个知识型社会。
- The slum in old industry base city reflects the urban poverty problem in reform and progress of China, because some city and urban residential area has decaied in economic and system change. 老工业基地城市的贫困区(棚户区)揭示的是在改革与发展中,一些城市和城市中的一些住区,由于经济结构的衰退和制度转型的冲击,形成城市贫困问题。 治理贫困区,克服城市贫困,关键是要使贫困居民能够分享发展的机遇和成果。
- Amidon, D.M., Skyrme, D.J., 1997, Creating the Knowledge Based Company, Business Intelligence, London. 知识经济的创新策略:智慧的觉醒,金周英、田克录、侯世昌、陈劲译,知书房,台北。
- Results Ontology based approach for building knowledge base and relevant retrieve technology as keynote. 研究基于本体论知识库构造方法及相应的检索方法,以此作为系统实现的技术基础。