- knowledge of literary history 文学史知识
- The relation of literary history to individual works in a literature class. 文学课上文学史与文学作品的关系。
- The classification of ancient Chinese literature into two halves is particularly meaningful for the periodization of literary history. 认识到中国古典文学由此截然分为前后两个部分,对于文学史分期研究来说具有独特的意义。
- It consists of four parts mainly: the union of diachronic and synchronic, intersubjectivity, examination of soul and sense of literary history. 文学历史感的特性主要表现为历时性与共时性的统一、主体间性、心灵观照和文学史意识等四个方面。
- His knowledge of history exceeds mine. 他的历史知识超过我。
- Any one who has a cursory knowledge of literary language can see the difference between literal usage and figurative (or allegorical) one. 任何一个有点文学基础知识的人都能读出字面意思和所比喻(或者寓言)的不同意思。
- In this way, instead of being covered by the only subject, the main body of literary history takes on the intersubjectivity. 这样,文学史主体并不是单单主体性所能涵盖,而应该呈现为主体间性的特点。
- The tendency to overstress subjectivity in China's new-age literary practice will inevitably destroy both the "history" value and "literature" character of literary history. 在我国新时期的文学史实践中所出现的对主观性过分张扬的倾向必然会丧失文学史的“史”的特性,同时也丧失文学史的“文学”性,从而陷入“主观性”的泥淖。
- "Folk" is a new concept ,in literary history, proposed by Mr.Chen Sihe.The concept refects a change of value in writing and opens a new domain in the research of literary histroy. “民间”是陈思和先生梳理出来的一个文学史概念,反映出知识分子写作的一种价值转型,在文学史的研究上,开辟了一个新的空间。
- He has a wide knowledge of French history. 他具有广博的法国历史知识。
- Regarding it as a special form of literary criticism , my thesis studies thoroughly Chinese foreign literary history to find out the Chinese reception of foreign literature. 并通过对不同时期的外国文学史教材中具体作家、思潮、流派的评介的研究,探究其中反映的我国对外国文学思想的接受。
- The magazine was the marketplace of literary theory. 那本杂志是文学理论激战之论坛。
- An important and practical way of making diachronic studies of literary history is to explore the creative sources of contemporary writers as well as the influences of the ancients upon them. 摘要探索现代作家的创作渊源或古代作家对后人的影响,是文学史贯通研究的一个重要侧面,一条具体途径。
- He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry. 他想扩充自己在这一行业的知识。
- Philosophy supplies the theory of literary history with the cognitions of ontology such as the possibility of literary history, the subject or object of the theory, the purpose of the learning, etc. 摘要哲学提供了关于文学史学的本体论认知,诸如文学史何以可能,文学史是主观还是客观,文学史的目的何在,等等。
- My knowledge of science is patchy. 我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。
- She has a broad knowledge of computers. 她对计算机有广博的知识。
- So many contemporary scholars of literary history make a mistake of anachronism: to interpret the article with that theory in his later years, and conclude that it is an exemplar of the theory. 一、三合一姚鼐在晚年曾力倡义理、考据、辞章三者合一之论。他说:“余尝论学问之事有三端焉,日义理也,考证也,文章也。是三者,苟善用之,则皆足以相济;
- The reason might lie in the structure of literary history of modern intellectual elites who base on the western study, and who exclude the modern popular literature which inclines to the tradition. 究其原因,乃是因为立足于学习西方进行“借鉴革新”的现代知识精英的文学史构架,对侧重于面向传统进行“继承改良”的现代通俗文学的排斥。
- His knowledge of Chinese history is meagre. 他的中国历史知识很贫乏。