- knowing fake and buying fake 知假买假
- I was hoodwinked into buying fake jewels. 我受骗买了假珠宝。
- I must sally forth into town and buy my week's food. 我得赶快去城里采购一星期吃的食物。
- I find a surplus store and buy a pocket calculator. 我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,买了一台袖珍计算机。
- You ought to scrap the old bike and buy a new one. 你应该扔掉这辆旧自行车,买一辆新的。
- But that was all so fake and pretend. 但这都是多么的虚伪和假装。
- I think the skin is fake and is leatheroid! 我看皮都是假的人造革!
- Go and buy a couple of lettuces. 去买两棵莴苣吧。
- I'll nip out and buy a newspaper. 我要赶快出去买一份报纸。
- The visitors were shanghaied into buying fake goods. 游客被诱骗购买了假货。
- He was recruiting men and buying horses. 他正在招兵买马。
- There are fake and real in life, yet love is the everlasting truth. 任凭人生是真是假,用爱相待却是永远的事实。
- Police speeded up to fight against fake and inferior goods. 警方加快打假步伐。
- The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers'complaints. 假冒伪劣商品引起了消费者的投诉。
- People who buy fake TV sets never buy the expensive ones. 反正买假货的人永远不会去买昂贵的电视机。
- What shall we do when we purchased fake and inferior seeds? 购买了假劣种子怎么办?
- I thought he was a priest but he was a fake and robbed me. 我以为他是一位神父,原来他是冒牌的,而且还抢劫了我。
- The selling and buying are over. 买卖做完了。
- I had a splurge and bought two new suits. 我大手大脚花了一笔钱买了两套新衣服。
- He found the car going for a song and bought it. 他发现这辆车非常便宜,于是就买下了。