- Hope to kn ow all the chaser at Taiwan. 我自马来西亚;希望能够交更多朋友.
- Therefore, the bin kn Sue his art is. 孙膑因此名扬天下,世人皆传习他的兵法。
- KN:Oh,that's interesting.Who was he with before? 那太有趣了,他以前和谁合作?
- Digital readout on control panel of roll torque in KN. 数字式显示装置显示当前辊的扭矩。
- And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I kn. 恶鬼回答他们说,耶稣我认识,保罗我也知道。你们却是谁呢。
- KN: Any kind of music but most of it is Japanese pop. 柜子:各种种类音乐,不过大多数是曰本流行音乐。
- Don't give us the runaround. We'd just like to kn... 别拿话儿搪塞我们,我们只是想知道你到底是同意还是不同意。
- KN: The plan is to run fully and extensively with the race team. 我们计划让比赛团队充分的投入到测试中。
- A man without kn owledge is like a house without a foundation. 人没有知识犹如房子没有地基。
- The more a man kn, ows, , the more he is inclined to be modest. 大智若愚.
- KN:Well,you've seen the order quantities.What do you think you could manage? 你已看到了定货量,你认为你能应付什么情况?
- Climbing gear is rated in kN to show how much falling force it can hold. 攀登器材用KN来衡量其所能承受的冲坠力。
- Kilonewton (kN) - A measure of force equal to 224.8 lbs or about 100kg. 一种力的度量方式,等于224.;8磅或者约等于100KG。
- The enterprise KN COMPUTERSERVICE GMBH offers Computer service among other things . KN COMPUTERSERVICE GMBH是一家令客户满意的企业,该企业制造杰出的计算机服务、计算机维修。
- Through Marshall test, stability of the mixture was 12-14 kN, flow value was 25-27 1/10 mm. 马歇尔试验得到,沥青混合料的稳定度在12-14 kN,流值在25-27 1/10 mm;
- The growth and development of silk and ear, which were influenced by N supply, also affected KN. 花丝、穗本身的生长发育状况也影响穗粒数的形成,施氮可明显促进夏玉米花丝、穗的生长发育。
- The consistency between the "discovery" of pen-taquark and the existing KN scattering data is also discussed. 讨论了最近“发现”的五夸克态与原有KN散射实验的相容性。
- Babbling could serve a similar purpose in bat pups, Kn?rnschild wrote in an email. 在蝙蝠的幼仔中,这些也扮演着类似的功能。
- Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon r my heart thof eternal questib kn. 有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微风似的,正在我的心上奏着潺潺的乐声。
- KN:I'm surprised you're not prepared to offer some sort of bulk discount considering the size of the order. 我很奇怪为什么不考虑按定单的大小给予折扣。