- The kinetic equations of Be'nard problem are solved in the presence of gravity disturbance. 在重力发生扰动时对贝纳德问题的动力学方程进行求解。
- The establishment of macro kinetic equations for reforming reactions together with models fbr both radial and axial reforming reactors were mainly discussed. 主要讨论重整反应宏观动力学方程的建立以及径向重整反应器和轴向重整反应器模型的建立;
- The rotation dynamic and quaternion kinetic equations of spacecrafts were educed according to the principles of variable-structure control. 根据滑动模态变结构控制原理,导出了航天器三轴动力学和四元数姿态运动学方程。
- Two kinetic equations were established for describing the reaction of ECH and TMAC in microemulsion according to the experimental results. 并根据实验结果建立了微乳化条件下ECH和TMAC反应的动力学方程。
- Furthermore, the kinetic equations for sonolysis of chlorobenzene at different single frequency and combined frequencies were also described. 多频超声场中氯苯降解过程符合虚拟一级反应特征,同时给出了3种频率及其频率组合条件下氯苯的超声降解动力学特征方程。
- Kinetic equations proved that the crystallization of ammonium carnallite at low temperature was under the control of mononuclear crystal growth. 动力学方程证明铵光卤石的低温结晶受单核结晶生长控制。
- Considering the effect of the constraint between the load and the launcher the kinetic equations of the AUV in the course of the load separation were derived and simulated. 考虑到分离过程中载荷与运载体之间存在约束,建立了分离时AUV的整体运动方程并进行了仿真。
- The kinetic equation of acylation process fitted first order linear relation. 酰化过程的动力学方程符合一级线性关系。
- First order kinetic equations of two treatments (with or withoutsand) have been established through regression analysis indicating that the mineralization or release of nitrogen in AOL when being fertilized to the soil. 通过回归分析,建立了AOL所含的有机键合态氮在土壤中矿化释放的动力学预报模型。
- Furthermore,the kinetic equation of carburized layer growth was presented. 此外,还给出了渗层生长的动力学方程式。
- However, when the fluctuation of the color field in the QGP is at the gT level, many properties of the QGP in quasi-equilibrium have been discussed in the QGP kinetic equations without collision integrals. 本文第三章中我们假定色QGP是由于其中色涨落而处于非平衡态,但由于色场涨落限于gT水平,是一个小量,因而系统不会远离平衡,而应处于近平衡,这样可以采用导数展开法逐级得到近平衡的分布函数。
- The kinetic models were founded on the base of the different characteristics of RFD (radio frequency discharge) and DBD (dielectric barrier discharge) plasma, and the rate constants were gained to simulate the set of kinetic equations. 根据射频放电和介质阻挡放电特点,分别对其中甲烷的裂解过程建立动力学模型,得到裂解反应速率常数,并对描述反应进程的动力学方程组进行了数值模拟。
- Based on the thermal degradation kinetic equations and the characteristic concentration, the flashover forecast model for limited space was set up.Finally, a case was presented by this model. 建立了基于热解动力学方程和特征浓度的有限空间轰燃预测模型,并给出了计算实例。
- Basing on the data from industrial operation,the kinetic equations of the main and side ethanolamine reactions are verified,and the corresponding reaction model is set up by using Apsen plus software. 以工厂实际数据为依据,对乙醇胺主副反应动力学方程进行了考核。
- The reaction mechanism of the oxidation of thiothiamine was studied, and two kinetic equations that well describe the changing concentration of reactants were also gained in this paper. 探讨了双氧水氧化硫代硫胺反应的机理,建立了描述氢离子浓度和双氧水浓度变化的氧化动力学方程,与实验结果吻合良好。
- The degradation of six PAEs in the sludge conformed to a first-order reaction kinetic equation. 其好氧降解过程可用一级动力学模型描述;
- Kinetic equation in the baking process of purifying aphanitic graphite were researched. 研究了隐晶质石墨的提纯工艺中焙烧动力学方程。
- The reaction order and reaction activation energy are determined and the reaction kinetics equat ion is set up. 测定了反应级数和反应活化能,建立了反应动力学方程。
- The reaction mechanism and kinetic equation of chlorosulfonation of polyethyleneare given. 聚乙烯的氯磺化反应是在半流动体系中采用气固相反应进行的。
- Abstract: Kinetic equation in the baking process of purifying aphanitic graphite were researched. 摘 要: 研究了隐晶质石墨的提纯工艺中焙烧动力学方程。