- Straightening of the shaft after heat treatment is a key process. 在轴杆类零件生产过程中,热处理后校直是一道关键工序。
- The ash melting process is a key process for dioxins zero emission. 其中,灰渣的熔融处理是限制二恶英零排放的重要步骤。
- Silk degumming is a key process for silk dyeing and finishing. 真丝绸脱胶是真丝绸染整加工的一道重要工序。
- During alumna preduction, mother liquor evaporation is the key process. 在氧化铝生产过程中,母液蒸发是关键的工艺过程。
- Backfill grouting is a key process during shield tunnel construction. 摘要壁后注浆是盾构施工的关键工序。
- Process volution: Key process areas are not processes. 过程进化:关键过程域并不是过程。
- Familiarized the industrial safety knowledge, provide the safety and technical training to the key process operators. 熟知工业安全相关知识,对关键工序员工进行操作安全及技术培训。
- Abstract: The key process technology of integrated thin- film resistor, capacitor and passive assembly was introduced. 摘要:介绍了国外集成薄膜电阻器、电容器及无源组件的关键工艺技术的研究情况。
- QOS reviews include a review of all Ford SIM metrics, key process metrics, and customer satisfaction metrics. QOS审核包括福特所有SIM衡量准则,关键过程衡量准则,和顾客满意度衡量准则的审核。
- Temperatur Monitoring of a Glass Melt In the glass production the temperature homogeny is a key process paramenter. 玻璃熔化的温度监测在玻璃生产中温度变化是关键的过程参数。
- A Road Map: The maturity levels and key process areas provide a road map to prioritize process improvement. 路线图:成熟度等级和关键过程域为确定过程改进的优先顺序提供了一个“路线图”。
- The "Key" Principle: The CMM describes key process areas and key practices. The CMM is not exhaustive. “关键”原则:CMM描述的是关键过程域和关键实践,CMM并不试图包罗万象,囊括一切。
- Buffer time of tunnel furnace is the key process in thin slab continuous casting and rolling(TSCR) line. 在薄板坯连铸连轧生产线中,加热炉的缓冲能力有时成为制约生产的关键。
- This selectively cellular elimination of defective protein is a key process in protein kinesis. 这种选择性降解机制对于维持蛋白质在细胞内含量的动态平衡起到了关键性作用。
- Nitrogen turnover from grazing livestock excreta is the key process in the nitrogen cycle of pasture ecosystems. 放牧家畜排泄物氮转化是草原生态系统氮循环的关键。
- This is the level where all IT service organizations reside that have not implemented the level two key process areas. 这是当所有的IT服务组织在还没有实施第二级关键流程域时所处的状态。
- The key process of synthesis of azithromycin is the reduction of erythromycin iminoether. 摘要合成阿奇霉素的关键步骤是红霉素亚胺醚的还原。
- How do you achieve systematic evaluation and improvement of key processes? 你如何对关键过程进行系统性的评估和改进?
- Polymer devolatilization is one of key processes in the polymer production. 聚合物系的挥发分脱除(以下简称脱挥)是聚合物生产中的关键工艺之一。
- Decatizing groove is a key processing component of the polypropylene device. 汽蒸槽是聚丙烯装置扩能改造的关键工艺设备。