- keyboard hardware interrupt 键盘硬件中断
- C language tutorial hardware interrupt operation of serial communication, mouse, keyboard operation. Some of the information is worth sharing to everyone. 语言教程硬件中断操作串口通信;鼠标键盘操作.;部分资料还是值得一看的;共享给大家
- This function initializes a hardware interrupt with the kernel. 该函数初始化硬件中断和内核,使设备驱动注册事件并使能中断。
- How to Call System Functions in the Procedure for a Hardware Interrupt? 在硬件中断处理程序中实现对系统服务的调用?
- A previous I/O operation finishes by signaling a hardware interrupt to which your driver is connected. 通过给你所连结的设备发送一个硬件中断信号,(表明)之前的I/O操作完毕。
- Instructs the kernel to re-enable the hardware interrupt related to this thread. 命令内核重新启用与这个线程相关联的硬件中断。
- Focusing on Hardware interrupt in WINDOWS, the interrupt VBX is developed to finish the alarming signal real-time processing in monitoring and alarming system. 针对WINDOWS环境下硬件中断处理的问题,在监控报警系统控制中开发了相应的中断控件,从而实现了对报警信号的实时处理。
- In this paper, a simple and efficient methods is introduced, which uses a tool VtoolsD and Vsiual C ++ to program VxD (Virtual Device Driver),then a rapid response to hardware interrupt can be realized in the environment of Windows 95/98. 文章介绍在 windows95 /98环境下 ,采用工具 Vtools D在 C+ + 编程环境下编写 Vx D(虚拟设备驱动 )的一种简便有效的方法来实现对硬件中断的快速响应
- Drivers for devices that generate hardware interrupts will have an interrupt service routine (ISR) and a deferred procedure call (DPC) routine. 对于普通硬件中断设备的驱动要具有中断服务程序(ISR)和一个延迟程序调用(DPC)程序。
- Handling of Hardware Interrupt in Windows NT 操作系统下硬件中断的处理
- Hardware interrupt vectors are set 设置硬件中断向量
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- The section "Hardware Interrupts" already introduced the two functions provided by the kernel to register and unregister a handler, respectively. 在硬件中断一节中已经介绍了内核所提供的两个函数,用于注册和反注册一个句柄。
- When I say that messages come through in an orderly and synchronized manner, I mean first that messages are not like hardware interrupts. 当我说消息是以一种有序的、同步的的方式进出的时候,我是说首先消息不同于硬件中断。
- ISRs for software and hardware interrupts needn't be any different from their real-mode counterparts, but ISRs to service CPU generated interrupts and faults must be different. 软件和硬件中断的ISR不需要和他们在实模式下时有任何的区别,但是那些为了处理CPU中断和异常的ISR会有很大不同。
- And let's see a hardware keyboard do that! (让我们看到一个硬件键盘做到这一点!)
- Don't interrupt her: let her have her say. 别打断她的话,让她把意见说出来。
- Please continue; I didn't mean to interrupt. 请往下说,我不是有意打断你的话的。
- Under DOS,lower-level driver is implemented by residential interruptting program, while under UNIX, it is implemented by UNIX STREAMS. The data receiving in both drivers employs hardware interruption so as to prevent the leakage of characters effectively. DOS下的底层驱动程序用驻留中断实现,UNIX下的驱动程序用UNIX的流机制实现,数据接收均采用硬件中断,有效地防止了漏字符现象的发生。
- These new flats will interrupt our view of the sea. 这些新公寓将遮住我们眺望海景的视野。