- Dalong Water Control Project is a key project in Hainan Province. 摘要大隆水利枢纽工程是海南省的重点工程。
- It is the key project in the "Tenth Five-yeqr Plan" of the government. 政府“十五”计划重点建设工程。
- You should also meet with key project resources and ask them to identify risks. 您还应当与关键的项目资源进行会商,请他们指出风险。
- It is better to concentrate investment in key projects rather than spread it over many projects. 最好把资金集中使用在关键性的工程上,而不要分散到许多工程上去。
- This calendar contains links to lecture and tutorial notes, reading assignments, and key project and quiz dates. 此份行事历包含了课堂及指导课程讲义的连结;指定阅读;专案的重点时程;及考试日期.
- The anthrax was a main bacterium of Japanese germ warfare and the key project of 731 Troop. 炭疽菌是日军主要的细菌战剂,是731部队的研究重点并具有相当数量的生产能力,数次在浙赣细菌战中投入使用。
- The constructing project of the Caofeidian Industry Zone in Tangshan City is a national key project. 摘要唐山市曹妃甸工业区建设项目是国家级的重点建设项目,水源保障是该项目立项的关键。
- Ten key projects that will be started this year in the west. 今年西部地区新开工的十大工程。
- The Taizhou Power Plant with an installed gross capacity of four million kilowatts is a key project. 国电泰州电厂是国家“十一五”重点建设项目,规划装机总容量400万千瓦。
- We must concentrate on key projects in agricultural science. 切实组织农业科学重点项目的攻关。
- Pubugou Hydropower Station (3300 MW) on Dadu River is a key project fixed in the national 10th Five-Year Plan. 大渡河瀑布沟水电站(3300 MW)是国家“十五”计划的重点工程项目。
- Wuqiaoling tunnel, the longest single-track railway tunnel in China, is the key project of Lanzhou-Urumchi Railway. 乌鞘岭隧道是兰新线重点控制工程,是国内最长的单线铁路隧道。
- In order to become proficient in these activities, an investment in both tools and training for key project personnel will be required. 为了精通上面的这些活动,需要在工具和对关键项目成员培训方面进行必要的投资。
- Some 60 key projects have been identified at a total cost of $17 billion. 现时已确定的主要工程约有60项,工程费用合共170亿元。
- Identify key project team members and define roles and responsibilities to create a project organization structure to develop a communication plan. 确定重要的项目团队成员,并定义角色和职责,以建立项目组织结构,来制定沟通计划。
- ThoughtWorks leveraged a formal architecture evaluation method to prove critical design decisions and move a key project from design into delivery. 使用正规的软件设计架构评估办法,关键的设计决定进行验证,并帮助关键项目从设计阶段转化为最后的实现。
- Now the collapse mechanism of structure has not been clear, which has been a key project for earthquake researcher and civil engineer worker. 至今人们对结构在地震力作用下的倒塌破坏机理都不是很清楚,这历来一直是地震工作者和土木工作者研究的重要课题。
- Therefore, it has strong realistic meaning and a certain theory value to study on construction-schedule early-warning model of waterlocks key project. 因此,水闸枢纽工程施工进度预警模型研究具有很强的现实意义和一定的理论价值。
- Enabled the key project in less than 4 year the strength to have the remarkable enhancement, has obtained not the vulgar result finally. 在不到4年的时间里使重点项目的实力有了显著的提高,最终获得了不俗的成绩。
- Beautiful Seashore Boardwalk: The construction of a seashore boardwalk is one of the key project to be completed before the 2008 Olympic Games. 滨海步行道:建设滨海步行道是迎办2008年奥运会的重点项目之一。