- Core ministries, departments corporate sector The key ministries, i. E. Planning and finance. The business sector. 核心部门,核心部委公司部门关键部门,如计划和财政部门。企业部门,企业界。
- Members of President Kibaki's Party of National Untiy will hold on to many of the key ministries, including finance, defense, foreign affairs, internal security and justice. 齐贝吉总统的民族团结党成员将出任许多主要的部长,包括金融部长、国防部长、外交部长、国内安全部长和司法部长。
- Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has threatened to ditch the proposed unity government if President Robert Mugabe refuses to cede control of key ministries. 前南非总统姆贝基将在哈拉雷酒店为此次谈话做调解工作,谈判者比他们党派的领导人来的都要早到酒店。
- Beijing has hotly denied recent reports in Western media that Chinese hackers penetrated systems in the Pentagon and in the chancellery and key ministries of German leader Angela Merkel. 北京强烈否认西方媒体最近的有关报道,即中国黑客侵入五角大楼系统以及大使馆和德国领导人默克尔的重要部委的系统。
- You may leave your key at the reception desk. 你可以把钥匙留在服务台。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里转动。
- I have mislaid my key to the door. 我不知道把门钥匙放到哪里了。
- He's locked in and nobody knows where the key is. 他被锁在房间里,没有人知道钥匙在什么地方。
- Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。
- I looked everywhere for my lost key. 我到处寻找我丢失的钥匙。
- She inserted the key into the lock. 她把钥匙插入锁中。
- The key turned halfway and then jammed. 钥匙转了一半就卡住了。
- The key to the whole affair was his jealousy. 整个事情的症结是因为他忌妒。
- Do you know the key to the problem? 你知道这道题的答案吗?
- Your scatty son has forgotten his key again. 你那儿子丢三落四又把钥匙给忘了。
- I dropped my key somewhere about here. 我把钥匙掉在这附近某个地方了。
- I dropped the key somewhere about here. 我把钥匙掉在这儿附近了。
- He dived into his pocket for his key. 他把手伸进衣袋里找钥匙。
- He gave me a duplicate key of his house. 他给了我另配了一套他房子的钥匙。
- As he picked up the envelope, a key dropped out. 他拣起信封时,一把钥匙掉了出来。