- key cabinet ministers 主要的内阁大臣
- Cabinet matters; a cabinet minister. 内阁成员的事务; 内阁大臣
- Don't be scared of the high-flown language of economists and Cabinet Ministers. 不要被经济学家和内阁大臣们的高谈阔论所吓倒。
- But he has also appointed eager and youngish reformers to key cabinet posts. 但他还任命了一些年纪较轻且热衷于改革的人出任内阁关键职位。
- The Prime Minister was there with a clutch of cabinet ministers. 首相和一群内阁部长都在那里。
- Cabinet ministers are generally selected by the prime minister . 内阁阁员通常(一般)是由首相挑选的。
- What added to the inherent power of his position and his burdens was the weakness of two key Cabinet members,Rogers and Laird. 两个关键性的内阁成员罗杰斯和莱尔德的软弱无能,又加重了基辛格原有的职权和负担。
- In fact,one of his cabinet ministers took his own life due to "loss of face" from corruption charges. 一位部长因为贪污指控感到“丢脸”而自杀。
- They are Labor's shadow cabinet,men who would be Cabinet ministers if their party turn to power. 他们是工党的影子内阁,如果他们的党重新当政,他们将成为正式的内阁部长。
- Israeli Cabinet Minister Meir Sheetrit. 两年多前,沙利特在加沙被哈马斯俘获。
- Eighteen cabinet ministers abruptly resigned Thursday, saying the government is powerless to bring peace to Somalia. 索马里18名内阁部长星期四突然提出辞职,他们说政府没有丝毫能力给索马里带来和平。
- Are the cabinet ministers justified in using luxury Challenger jets when cheaper commercial flights are available? 你觉得在商业航班可以满足的情况下,加拿大内阁成员是否还有必要乘坐奢侈的专机?
- I urgent and sectarian violence has surged acro Iraq in the past few days as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki struggles to fill two key cabinet positio . 总理马利基努力填补两个关键内阁职务的同时,伊拉克各地的反叛攻击和教派冲突过去几天来不断增加。
- Eighteen cabinet ministers abruptly resigned Thursday, saying the government is powerle to bring peace to Somalia. 索马里18名内阁部长星期四突然提出辞职,他们说政府没有丝毫能力给索马里带来和平。
- Most people agreed that the newspaper was hitting below the belt when it tried to discredit the cabinet minister by detailing some of her childhood misdeeds. 大多数人一致认为,如果报纸试图用该内阁大臣孩提时的某些不端行为使她信誉扫地的话,那么报纸就是玩弄卑鄙手段了。
- In fact, one of his cabinet ministers took his own life due to "loss of face" from corruption charges. 一位部长因为贪污指控感到“丢脸”而自杀。
- Nine Cabinet ministers voted to approve a wider offensive, three abstained from the vote. 九位政府内阁大臣投票赞成加强进攻,其中有三人弃权。
- All at once, the emperor secretly summoned cabinet ministers to the court to discuss official business. 皇帝突然密召大臣们进宫议事。
- Under a deal agreed by cabinet ministers, JAL is to receive half of the requested funds as early as next week. 根据日本内阁商定的协议,日本航空最早将于下周获得其要求的一半资金。
- She held office as a cabinet minister for ten years. 她担任内阁部长长达十年。