- kentrogon larva 新轮幼体(动)
- I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly. 我觉得这虫子是蝴蝶的幼虫。
- A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
- The tadpole is the larva of the frog. 蝌蚪是青蛙的幼体。
- It shows the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly. 它展示了从幼虫变成蝴蝶的过程。
- A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly. 幼虫变为蛹,然后再变成蝴蝶。
- A worm or an insect larva that bores into wood. 蛀虫钻在木头里的蠕虫或昆虫幼虫
- The parasitic larva of a botfly. 马胃蝇蛆马蝇的寄生性幼虫
- The larva or pupa of a mosquito. 孑孓蚊子的幼虫或蛹
- Tail end of third stage larva of S. 尾端微凹陷。
- A caterpillaris the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
- Larva of the wasp f with 4instars. 幼虫共4龄,咀食寄主组织,只残留头壳,老熟幼虫作茧越冬。
- Moth larva eats foliage of beets and vegetables. 蛾子的幼虫吃甜菜和蔬菜的叶子。
- The larva hatches out and lives in the soil. 幼虫孵化之后就在土壤里生活。
- The egg hatches into a larva (caterpillar). 卵孵化成了幼虫(毛虫)。
- It has no legs.Later the larva turns into a pupa. 它没有腿。接着幼虫变成蛹。
- The egg or larva of a blowfly, usually deposited on meat. 蝇卵,蛆通常在肉上的苍蝇卵或幼虫
- The thick, wormlike larva of certain beetles and other insects. 蛴螬,蛆某些甲虫或昆虫的软原虫状幼虫
- The thick,wormlike larva of certain beetles and other insects. 蛴螬,蛆某些甲虫或昆虫的软原虫状幼虫。
- The flat, free - swimming, ciliated larva of a coelenterate. 浮浪幼体腔肠动物其扁平的,能自由浮游的,有纤毛的幼体