- kemel safetylayer 核心安全层
- Having found and inherited the rational kemel, Max constructs the philosophy of practical materialism. 马克思独具慧眼地发现并继承了这一“合理内核”,创立了实践唯物主义哲学。
- Moisture dry skin with natural ingredients, apricot kemel oil and dewberry extract. 含黑莓和杏仁天然萃取精华。
- kemel partial least squares (KPLS) 核偏最小二乘
- Kemel principal component analysis (KPCA) 核主分量分析
- Leling no - kemel golden silk jujube 乐陵无核金丝小枣
- Keywords Bitter apricot kemel glucoside;Production technology; 苦杏仁甙;生产工艺;
- Key words: library inforrmtion scientific; "GOOGLE INTERNET" search engine, ;kemel of the periodieal; kernel words 作者简介:张丽康(1953-),女,北京人,图书馆馆员,从事图书馆研究
- kemel polynomial 核多项式
- kemel transition 核转移
- hidden Markov model (HMM) kemel 隐马尔可夫模型核
- peanut kemel 花生仁
- scaling kemel 尺度核
- Kemel 凯梅尔
- kemel component analysis 核的主成分分析
- kemel estimate 核估计
- kemel of the periodieal 核心期刊
- kemel preemption 内核抢占
- kemel structure 核心结构
- kemel tailoring 内核裁减