- keep oneself above waterv. 免遭灾;不负债
- I need50 dollars this month to keep my head above water. 这个月我需要五十元才能不负债。
- I need 50 dollars this month to keep my head above water. 这个月我需要五十元才能不负债。
- I want to find a way to keep my head above water. 我想找到一个不欠帐的办法。
- I tried hard to keep my head above water. 我好容易才免于灭顶之灾。
- I just keep my head above water. 尽情欣赏古代建筑。
- One must never place oneself above the masses. 决不能把个人凌驾于群众之上。
- It became difficult to keep his head above water. 很难不让自己免于债务。
- To keep oneself or one's plans hidden. 隐匿使自己或自己的计划不为人所知
- The cost of living is now so high that you need to earn a good income just to keep your head above water. 生活费用现在是如此之高,必须要有很好的收入才得以维持生活。
- Mr.Chester has had a great deal of extra work recently, out he just managed to keep his head above water. 切斯特先生近来承担大量的额外工作,但是他还是设法对付过去了。
- Try to keep your head above water while you are learning to swim. 学游泳时要设法把头露出水面。
- He is finding it difficult to keep his head above water. 他发现很难避免灭顶之灾。
- If you can keep your head above water, you won't drown. 如果能让头露出水面,你就不会被淹死。
- A small boat is just floating on or above water. 一只小船正飘浮在水上。
- Only the tip of an iceberg pokes up above water. 只有冰山的尖端突出于水面。
- If you can keep your head above water,you won't drown. 如果能让头露出水面,你就不会被淹死。
- Actually, from the setback the trend succeeds, want the settlement problem that still finds oneself above all. 其实,从挫折走向成功,首先要解决的还是找到自身的问题。
- His nose was now well above water. 他全然没有后顾之忧。
- The work's piling up, but I manage to keep my head above water. 工作堆积成山,但我勉强坚持下来了。