- If I don't nip it in the bud, he'll keep doing it. 如果我不防患于未然,他会继续干这种事的。
- They keep doing so perseveringly. 它们还是为此努力着。
- We have a responsibility to keep doing this. 我们有责任继续做下去。
- Tired as she was, she kept doing it. 她虽然累了,仍继续做下去。
- Just--You can't keep doing this all the time. 可是你不能老是这样做。
- You can't keep doing this, Forrest. 你不能老是这样做,福雷斯。
- But we need to keep doing our stuff on the pitch. 但我们必须坚持在场上用实力说话。
- Keep doing that, you'll get slaps. 还做,老子煽你。
- You'll receive a whipping if you keep doing that. 如果你还一直那样的话我就要打你屁屁了。
- Keep doing your homework so you don't get behind in school. 坚持写你们的家庭作业,这样你们就不会在学习里掉队。
- Keep thinking the topic of my thesis. Keep doing the shot of cell. 继续思考论文题目。继续做细胞分裂。
- I keep thinking about the bag of film. Keep doing sth. 意为持续不断做什么事情。
- That's true, but if you keep doing that, you'll get over it. 是的,但你若坚持,就能克服它。
- While the work goes on, the Petties will keep doing their part. “这是偶们投入的新的缓冲带,11月份刚刚买过来的,大约要用一年的时间才能建好.
- If I keep doing calisthenics every day will I be in perfect shape? 每天坚持跳健美操就可以塑造出完美身材了吗?
- They kept doing their job all the livelong day. 他们一整天忙于他们的工作。
- All the guys in our fraternity loved it and told us to keep doing it. 我们联谊会的所有人都喜欢那个动作,叫我们以后继续撞。
- Keep doing this so we can get an idea about the severity of her deafness. 你重复这样做,我们就可以判断她的耳聋有多严重了。”
- Being a good model also need good sleep then could keep doing good pose. 当个好的模特儿也要有充足的睡眠,才能一直摆好的姿势。
- He keeps doing his effort for achieving his personal ability. 他为实现个人能力与才智而奋斗不息。