- Keep a lookout for the red lantern signal. 随时注意红灯信号。
- Using Interior Command To Keep A lookout For Corporation risks. 运用内部控制防范企业风险。
- Jack asks a friend at the LAPD to keep a lookout for his daughter. 杰克要一个洛城警察局的朋友帮忙注意一下有关他女儿的消息。
- Everyone must keep a sharp lookout for this sign. 大家要密切注意这个标记。
- And mind you, keep a lookout for Injun Joe, because he said he was going to drop into town and spy around once more for a chance to get his revenge. 提醒你注意印第安 - 乔的动静,他说过要溜回城里打探虚实以便伺机报复。
- From time to time, keep a lookout for information disseminated by HQ, Area and District regarding events and activities such as jamborees, camps, courses and competitions. 本公告栏将不时转载总部、区部活动消息(如大露营、课程及竞赛等),敬请留意。
- They resolved to keep a lookout for that Spaniard when he should come to town spying out for chances to do his revengeful job, and follow him to "Number Two," wherever that might be. 他们打定主意,等那个西班牙人进城刺探、伺机报仇时,一定要盯梢他,跟他到“二号”去,管他上天入地都要跟去。
- Keep a lookout for pickpockets. 谨防扒手。
- Ke-ting personally sealed the packets of coins to be awarded to the performers. He made several trips to the main gate to see if they were coming, while dispatching a servant to stand on the street corner to keep a lookout for them. 克定亲自封好了赏钱,还不时在大门内外走动,看看有没有动静,一面又派人到街口去打听龙灯的消息,看来了没有,或者龙灯已经到了什么地方。
- He kept a sharp lookout for any strangers. 他警惕地守望着,不放过任何一个陌生人。
- How to keep a Lookout for Risk in Export Business 如何防范出口业务中的风险
- As the car crossed the zone of scattered dwellings that separated Oakland from Berkeley, he kept a lookout for a familiar, two-story building along the front of which ran the proud sign, HIGGINBOTHAM'S CASH STORE. 汽车经过奥克兰和伯克利之间那个住宅稀疏的地区时,他一直在注意一幢熟悉的一楼一底的建筑,楼前有一块神气十足的大招牌:希金波坦现金商店。
- keep a lookout for the enemy 监视敌人
- On Keeping a Lookout for Financial Risks in Our Country 对我国金融风险防范若干问题的思考
- The Development of Net Bank and Keeping a Lookout for Risk 网上银行的发展及风险防范
- I'm on the lookout for a second-hand car. 我正留心著想买辆二手车。
- Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail. 杰克站在帕夫大尾巴上向远处眺望。
- Keep a good lookout(for thieves). (对偷盗)严加防范(密切注意)。
- K>> Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail. 杰克站在帕夫大尾巴上向远处眺望。
- The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. 州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。