- kalium analyzer 钾含量分析仪
- The analyzer unit consists of two enclosures. 分析单元由二部分组成。
- The scanner is sometimes called a lexical analyzer. 扫描程序有时又把它称为词法分析程序。
- The analyzer is suitable for fields installation. 这个分析仪适于室外安装。
- Very easy to use grammar analyzer. 很好用的语法分析器。
- Shows a screen shot of the buffer pool analyzer. 显示了缓冲池分析器的一个屏幕快照。
- Analyzer start-up time is considerably reduced. 分析仪的启动时间大大缩短。
- Accidence Analyzer source code integrity. (译):事故分析源代码的完整性。
- Utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer and Kalium were enhanced. 促进番茄对氮和钾的吸收。
- Kalium element on aboveground parts has the same variation to Sodium element. 虎尾草的钠元素含量明显高于羊草;
- Now the analyzer coaxes the virus into revealing itself. 现在的分析者们会诱使病毒显形。
- Methods Kalium(K),Natrium(Na) and Chloride(Cl) were analyzed by Olympus-2700,AVL-9130 and Vitros-350 analyzer. 方法分别用Olympus-2700生化分析仪、Av1-9130电解质分析仪、VITROS-350干式化学分析仪测定相关项目后分析结果。
- Zoom in is only available in the Load Test Analyzer. 放大功能只在负载测试分析器中可用。
- Manufacturer states that infusion time does not affect blood kalium and natriumm levels in the body. 出厂标明输注时间不影响身体血液的钾钠水平。
- Development of a gas compound analyzer based on gas sensor array. 气敏阵列混合气分析仪的研制。
- Mining and beneficiation of chemical mines including sulfur ores, phosphate ores, kalium ores, etc. 硫、磷、钾等化学矿开采、选矿。
- You can use the load test analyzer to view your load test data. 您可以使用负载测试分析器查看自己的负载测试数据。
- The syntax analyzer calls the scanner when it needs a new symbol. 当语法分析程序需要新符号时,它就调用扫描过程。
- Effect of serum kalium on depressurization of captopril combine with Indapamide ZHU Mu-lin ...... 吲达帕胺;卡托普利;高血压;血钾
- The three volcanics are of kalium alkaline series, with their chemical elements showing the same magma origin. 三种火山岩均属钾质钙碱性系列,岩石化学成分显示为同源岩浆产物。