- A mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain has pummeled East Coast just days before the arrival of spring. 在春天的脚步即将来临之际,一场雪夹杂着冰雹和冻雨袭击了东海岸。
- A mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain has pummeled the East Coast just days before the arrival of spring. 一场雪、以及冰雹混杂的严寒暴雨在春天来临之际袭击了美国东岸。
- Just days before Bahadar called off his peace deal with officials, a military convoy was ambushed in North Waziristan. 就在巴哈德尔和其他官员终止和平协议的前几天,在北瓦济里斯坦的一个军事车队遭到伏击。
- A mix of snow, sleet , and freezing rain has pummel ed the east coast just days before the arrival of spring. 就在春天来临之前,一场夹杂着冰雹和冻雨的暴风雪袭击了东海岸。
- A mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain has pummeled the east coast just days before the arrival of spring. 在春天来临之前,一场夹杂冰雪的雨袭击了东海岸。
- Monday's announcement came just days before a summit of hemispheric leaders in Trinidad and Tobago. 这项决定是在西半球领导人即将在特立尼达和多巴哥举行峰会几天前宣布的。
- The stockmarket began its long rally just days before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. 证券市场在03年三月伊战爆发前加开始了漫长的复苏过程。
- The release of the bin Laden tape just days before the U.S. Presidential election has both candidates talking tough about fighting terrorism. 在距离美国总统选举仅仅几天前公布的这盘本·拉登的录像带使得两位候选人都对打击恐怖主义发表了措辞强硬的讲话。
- And his initial one-on-one session with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev -- coming just days before the NATO summit -- will be watched closely. 他提议与俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫面对面的会谈。这发生在北约峰会几天前,因此双方的会晤将受到密切关注。
- The son of a Chinese dissident says his father has disappeared, just days before he was to attend a U.S. consulate reception to mark Barack Obama's inauguration. 中国持不同意见的活动人士姚立法的儿子说,他的父亲在要参加美国驻武汉领事馆举办庆祝欧巴马就职招待会的几天之前失踪了。
- Belgian media outlets are reporting that Volvo and the Flemish Premier are hoping to work out a deal by June 7, just days before the region's elections. 比利时媒体的报道,沃尔沃和佛兰芒总理希望制定一个协议,6月7日,前几天该地区的选举。
- In 373 B.C., historians recorded that rats, snakes and weasels abandoned the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a quake devastated the city. 根据历史学家的记录,公元前373年,希腊海利斯城发生大地震前,有很多老鼠、蛇和臭鼬纷纷迁出城。
- It is not insignificant that China announced it would help Pakistan build the Chashma II nuclear power plant just days before it was accepted as an NSG member. 而这一次是很大核招标活动中,就在中国宣布,他们将帮助巴基斯坦建造恰希玛第二核电厂的前几天被中国接纳为NSG集团成员。
- Kuwaiti officials pulled the plug on a multibillion-dollar deal between a state-owned oil company and Dow Chemical just days before the agreement was due to be completed. 科威特政府在合约即将执行的几天前取消了一起涉及几十亿元的交易,这起交易发生在一家国有石油公司和陶氏化学公司之间。
- Bub Gauweiler offered the agent a position but Deutsche Bank's lawyers halted the plan just days before she was to begin work, according to people familiar with the report. 知情人士说,该律师事务所向这名间谍提供了一个职位,不过就在这名间谍将开始工作前几天,德意志银行的律师终止了计划。
- Ole's boys are back to winning ways following the 0-1 slip-up at Sunderland and can now relish Liverpool away next week, just days before the senior sides clash at Old Trafford. 索尔斯克亚的孩子们最后还是1-0获胜,从0-1输给桑德兰的颓势中走出。下一场就是下周客场挑战利物浦,就在双方一线队碰撞的前一天。
- After Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861, Tyler was elected to the Confederate House of Representatives, but he died in Richmond, Virginia, on Jan. 18, 1862, just days before its first meeting. 在维吉尼亚于1861年退出联邦后,泰勒被选为众议院代表,但却于1862年1月18日于维吉尼亚州瑞奇蒙去世,距离第一次的会议只剩几天的时间;
- Just days before world leaders were due to arrive, Russian security forces said they had foiled alleged Chechen rebel plans to attack towns in the North Caucasus with cyanide-based poison and explosives. 就在世界各国领导人到达的前几天,俄罗斯安全部队说他们挫败了车臣反叛武装计划用氢化物毒品和炸弹袭击北高加索城镇的阴谋。
- It shows the passengers ate salmon, sweetbreads, roast chicken, spring lamb, golden plover on toast and peaches just days before the supposedly unsinkable Titanic hit an iceberg in the Atlantic and slipped beneath the waves. 从这张菜单上可以想象出,在泰坦尼克号触冰山沉没在大西洋海底之前,船上人们的主要食物是:大麻哈鱼,牛羊杂碎,烤鸡,春羊(-9个月大的羊羔)烤金海鸥和桃子等。