- Just look at this beautiful present. 快来看看这件漂亮的礼物吧。
- Just look at it. Isn't it amazing! 你看看。真叫人惊叹!
- Just look at it. Be not amazing! 你看看。真叫人惊叹!
- Just look at that sky,it's working up for a storm. 瞧瞧那边天上,正在酝酿一场暴雨。
- Just look at the mess you've landed us in! 你看看你给我们招来了多少麻烦!
- Just look at the mess you've landed us in. 请看看你给我们造成的混乱。
- Just look at what you have done! 看看你都做了些什么!
- Just look at this funny picture! 请看这张有趣的画!
- Just look at this magnificent autumn landscape! 看看这壮丽的秋景吧!
- Often we just look at individuals or dyads. 我们通常只注意到个人或夫妻。
- Works, I can just look at the code. 如何工作感到好奇,就能直接看代码。
- Just look at Sleeping Beauty there! 看那人睡得真安稳!
- Just look at it again look beyond the paint. 再看一遍,看看画后面的东西。
- Just look at them-for you will hot be pressed to. 请您光临,购买与否,悉听尊便。
- Oo-ee! Just look at the heels on her shoes. 噢唷,你看看她皮鞋的后跟!
- Just look at the surrounding environment. 韩佳:您倒是看看这周围的环境。
- "Just look at me", she said smugly. "你看看我",她沾沾自喜地说。
- Just look at JTB, Japan's biggest 1) travel agency. 看看日本最大的旅行社JTB就知道。
- Just look at the pavilion behind us. 您看看我们身后的这座阁楼。
- Wife: Darling. Just look at our house. It's messy. 亲爱的,看看我们的房子,简直是一团糟!