- junction operating technique 联轨站行车技术
- An operation technique in which there are no stops between the assembling, loading and execution of a computer program. 一种操作技术,使一个计算机程序的汇编、装入和执行连续地进行。
- It states operating technique of Authorware, expansible structure of hypertext and realization of guidance. 阐述了利用Authorware制作课件的一些使用技巧及超文本的扩展层次结构和导航方式的实现方法.
- Objective To improve the operating technique for and reduce postoperative relapse rate of thyrohyoid cyst/fistula. 目的总结甲状舌管囊肿(瘘)切除术的经验,减少手术复发率。
- This paper introduces the working principle, structural design, function, operating technique and the clinical application of the LDH. 本文介绍了该仪器的工作原理、结构、功能、操作要点,以及临床应用。
- The principle, equipment, and operating technique of sulphurization is introduced, The characteristics of sulphurized layer and its application to cutting tools are presented. 本文介绍了渗硫原理、设备、操作工艺、渗硫层特性以及渗硫技术在刀具上的应用效果。
- Objective To explore the operative results of removing craniospinal junction lesions and to modify some operative techniques. 目的探讨枕下极外侧入路切除颅颈交界区腹侧病变的效果,并对一些手术技巧加以改进和讨论。
- Objective:To explore the operative technique of parasagittal meningiomas. 目的:探讨矢状窦旁脑膜瘤的手术方法与技巧。
- However, the author attributes it to both the external factors (the lack of necessary legislative, economic, and administrative supports) and the internal factor (the backward operating technique in agricultural insurance). 本文认为,我国农业保险发展滞后既有外在因素,即缺乏必要的法律、经济、行政等政策支持;更有内在因素,即农业保险经营技术落后。
- Small prostate, concomitant prostatitis and awkward operating technique are the main causes of BNC, and accordingly, stringent indication, well-trained operating technique and prophylactic bladder neck incision might be effective for prevention. 小前列腺、合并有前列腺炎及操作不熟练是BNC的可能原因,可采取严格手术适应证、提高操作技能、膀胱颈预切开等方法加以预防。
- The discussion of problem such as crucible protecting, operating technique, fluxing property and fluxing condition etc. in the method of fluxing silicate sample with alkali carbonate. 用碱金属碳酸盐熔融硅酸盐样品方法中,有关坩埚保护、操作技术、熔剂性质、熔融条件等问题的探讨。
- The map is in error regarding the junction. 这张地图在这个交点上是绘制错了。
- Better material condition and advanced operating technique can avoid excessive accumulation of UPC in BF, overcome the disadvantageous influence,as a result,the higher PCI rate can be got. 较好的原料条件和先进的操作技术可避免未燃煤粉在炉内的过量积累,克服其不利影响,从而能够实现煤比的进一步提高。
- They decided to effect a junction of two armies. 他们决定两军会师。
- An operation technique in which there are no stops between the assembling, loadingand execution of a computer program. 一种操作技术,使一个计算机程序的汇编、装入和执行连续地进行。
- The gas station is at the junction of two highways. 这个加油站位於两条公路的会合处。
- Slack off/up as youapproach the junction. 接近交叉口时要减速。
- The paper introduces the E-mail address knowledge,the operation technique of sending and other service functions. 介绍了 E- m ail的地址知识、发送的操作技巧及多项服务功能。
- Objective To improve the operative technique of endoscopic middle meatal antrostomy. 目的探讨更为完善的上颌窦自然孔开窗术。
- Objective: To investigate the surgical indication and operative technique of intracranial arachnoid cysts. 目的:探讨颅内蛛网膜囊肿(IAC)的手术指征和手术方法。