- The proliferation of Web applications and information technologies in the field of education has , made people jump the traces of traditional learning style, and sparks the distance learning. 互联网应用和信息技术在教育领域的高速发展,使得人们不再局限于传统的教室学习,数字图书馆和基于Web与多媒体技术的远程教育模式得到了迅速推广。
- He couldn't see eye to eye with his father; he jumped the traces,and has lived his life in the entertainment business. 他和父亲看法不一致。他不听从父亲,一直置身于娱乐业。
- The rain flushed away the trace left by the criminals. 大雨把犯罪分子遗留的痕迹冲刷掉了。
- He jump the gun and open the test before the teacher say to start. 在老师说开始前,他行动过早,先翻开了试卷。
- See who could jump the farthest. 看谁能跳得最远。
- I don't think it's good to jump the queue. 我感到不挨次序排队是不好的。
- They found the traces of a rabbit on the snow. 他们在雪地上发现了兔子的足迹。
- The driver is trying to jump the green light. 司机试图抢绿灯把车开过去。
- I've gone through all the traces too. 我还仔细查阅了所有的历史记载。
- The horse kicks over the traces. 这匹马不上套。
- He doesn't want to jump the gun. 他不想操之过急。
- She urged her mare to jump the fence. 她策马跳过障碍物.
- Owing to sabotage, a train jumped the rails. 由于受到破坏,一列火车出轨了。
- The trace showed a normal heart rhythm. 描记图表明心率正常。
- I jump (the) farthest in my class. 我是我们班跳得最远的。
- To capture the trace to a database table. 将跟踪捕获到数据库表中。
- Refer to this table for the trace string to use. 使用的跟踪字符串参见下表。
- Specifies the date and time for the trace to stop. 指定跟踪停止的日期和时间。
- Specifies the name of the trace source. 指定跟踪源的名称。
- Many people try to jump the queue for the tickets. 许多人都企图不排队买票。