- judge a case on its merits 根据是非曲直判决案件
- You can decide the case on its merits. 你可以根据事情本身的是非曲直去判断。
- We should deal with every case on its merits. 我们处理各种情况都应根据其本身的条件。
- judge a case on its own merits [法] 按事实真相来审案
- He will judge the case solely on its merits. 他将完全根据是非曲直审理这一案件。
- to decide a case on its merits 根据是非曲直断案
- decide a case on its merits 根据事实真相断案
- We must analyse each case on its merits and treat each person who has made errors appropriately,according to the nature and seriousness of the mistakes. 对于这些犯错误的人,每个人错误的性质如何,程度如何,如何认识,如何处理,都要有所区别,恰如其分。
- We must analyse each case on its merits and treat each person who has made errors appropriately, according to the nature and seriousness of the mistakes. 对于这些犯错误的人,每个人错误的性质如何,程度如何,如何认识,如何处理,都要有所区别,恰如其分。
- A case on follower readiness and leadership style! 郁闷的领导者,请帮他分析下原因!
- judge the case on its merits 根据是非曲直审理这一案件
- Consider the matter on its merits before you come to a decision. 先要权衡事情的利弊,然后再作决定。
- You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人)
- We will consider each case on its (own) merits(= without considering any other issues, feelings, etc.). 我们将根据每件事情本身的情况来考虑。
- deal with each case on its merits; deal with different things or people in different ways 区别对待
- We should not judge a person by his appearance. 我们不应该以貌取人。
- Like any other form of revenue raising, the inflation tax must be judged on its merits. 象筹集收入的任何其它形式那样,通货膨胀税的利弊也必须得到评判。
- The Supreme Court ruled that a huge campaign donation can be reason enough not to judge a case involving the donor. 最高法院裁定,一个巨大的捐赠活动可能作为捐赠者不陷入审判活动的充分理由。
- Judge or juror favour one of the parties in a case. 法官或陪审员偏袒诉讼案当事人中的一方。
- When assisting and advising institutions, vendors should consider OSS on its merits to that institution. 在协助和说服机构的时候,供应商应该按事情的是非曲直为那家公司考虑OSS。