- journal for axial load 轴向负载轴颈,轴向载荷轴承
- Chen, C.K. and Kuo, B.L. (1994), Coupled Transient Thermoelastic Contact Problems for Axial Cracks in Hollow Cylinders, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 37, 2109-2123. 郭柏立(1999),具有非轴对称裂缝平板承受均布冷负载下裂缝破坏问题之研究,第十四届全国技术及职业教育研会,工业类,第127-135页。
- The tank location for these vehicles is chosen for optimum airframe design for axial loads. 这些飞行器上的油箱位置是相对轴向载荷作最佳结构设计来选择的。
- For axial loads of alternating direction these bearings must be combined with a second bearing. 当轴向负荷为交替方向时,这些轴承必须与另一个轴承组合。
- Journal for Quality and Participation. 质量与参与杂志》探讨企业经营中雇员参与质量管理的问题。
- Keep a food and fitness journal for a month. 每天记录你的饮食和健身情况,坚持一个月。
- For applications where the axial load is heavier than the radial load (fig 7). 用于轴向负荷大于径向负荷的应用场合(图7)。
- IPMA may also want to publish a review journal for practitioners. IPMA也可以为从业者出版评论性期刊。
- Etnesto Motta.Approximate elastic plastic solution for axially loaded piles[J]。J. Geotech. Engrg. Div., ASCE,1994,120. 李作勤,摩擦桩的荷载传递及承载力的一些问题[J]。岩土力学,199,11(4).
- Bates, Stephen, ed. The International Journal for Non-for-Profit Law. 非营利法国际季刊。
- Objective:To study the new surgical technique for axial vertebre tumor. 目的:探讨枢椎肿瘤切除和椎体重建的新方法。
- An International Journal for the Study of the Earth Beneath the Sea. 海洋地球物理研究。
- This type of bearings is separable , which can only carry axial load . 单向推力球轴承是可分离型轴承,只能承受轴向载荷。
- HYLE - An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry Informal Logic. 致力于推理和论证的理论中有关理论和实践问题的学术刊物。
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of axial load on lumbar dural sac. 目的:实验拟探讨轴向负荷对腰椎硬膜囊的影响。
- Remember to check yours journal for help if you find yourself to be stuck. 如果你发现卡关的时候记得去翻翻冒险日志;通常会给你带来帮助.
- Thrust ball bearing is separable bearing and only can be subject to axial load. 推力球轴承为可分离型轴承,只能承受轴向载荷。
- JoVE is an online research journal for publishing visualized (video-based) biological experiments. 是一个视频为主,文章为辅的学术杂志,呵呵。
- However, the radial load must not exceed 50 % of the simultaneously acting axial load. 但是,径向负荷不能超过同时作用的轴向负荷的50%25。
- If the actual load is a combined radial and axial load, then an equivalent static bearing load must be calculated. 如实际负荷为径向和轴向复合负荷,则必须计算当量轴承静负荷。