- jour de fete [法]节日
- I.Oblomova A Few Days from the Life of I.I.Oblomov A Few Days in the Life of I.I.Oblomov Quelques jours de la vi... 基本资料节目分类:电影中文名称:欧布罗莫夫更多中文名:奥勃洛莫夫一生中的几天外文名称:Oblomov更多外文名:Neskolko dney iz zhizni I.
- Despite the bad weather the fete will go ahead. 尽管天气不好,游乐会照常举行。
- The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。
- 34Car la jalousie met un homme en fureur, Et il est sans pitie au jour de la vengeance; 34因为人的嫉恨,成了烈怒。报仇的时候,决不留情。
- The fete will go ahead provided the rain keeps off. 要是不下雨,义卖会就照常进行。
- Seeing that it's raining hard, the fete will probably be cancelled. 因为雨下得很大,游园会很可能被取消。
- A native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 巴西里约热内卢人或里约热内卢的居民
- Evening dress is de rigueur at the Casino. 在赌博娱乐场要穿晚礼服。
- Their intimate conversation made me feel de trop. 他们亲切交谈,使我感到自己是个多余的人。
- The regiment had a strong esprit de corps. 这个兵团有很强的团体精神。
- The prime minister is de facto president of the country. 这位总理实际上就是这个国家的总统。
- They fete his recovery with ice cream and cake. 他们以冰淇淋和蛋糕庆祝他的康复。
- The soup du jour is cream of potato. 今日特汤为马铃薯奶油汤
- This fete of the casting will be a grand ceremony. 这个铸炮节应该好好地庆祝一下。
- They fete his recovery with ice - cream and cake. 他们以冰淇淋和蛋糕庆祝他的康复。
- I think I'll try the soup du jour. 我想我要试试本日特选汤。
- You can have the de luxe model if you like, but it'll cost you. 你愿意的话,可以买高级的,不过得花很多钱。
- They fete his recovery with ice-cream and cake. 他们以冰淇淋和蛋糕庆祝他的康复。
- Our village is holding a fete to raise money for the building of the new hall. 我们村里准备举行游园会,以筹资建造新会堂。