- Based on this theory, the author discusses the detailed categories of Joint Negligence Crimes one by one, and explains the question of cognizance, criminalization as well as penalization. 在此基础上,本文逐一分析了共同过失犯罪的具体类型,并较为详细地论述了共同过失犯罪的认定及其定罪与处罚问题。
- joint negligence crime 共同过失犯罪
- joint negligent crime 共同过失犯罪
- The criminal liability of the offender of joint negligence should be assigned in accordance with their subjective crimes. 对共同过失犯罪的行为人应按照他们各自的主观罪过来认定他们的刑事责任。
- According to the functions of the criminal in joint crime, joint negligence criminal can be divided into three kinds: joint negligence principal, negligent abettor and negligent accessory. 根据行为人在共同犯罪中的分工不同,对共同过失犯罪人可以划分为过失的共同正犯、过失的教唆犯和过失的帮助犯。
- Judicial Conviction of the Medical Negligence Crime 医疗事故罪的司法认定
- Offense of Joint Negligence Should be Joint Offense 共同过失犯罪应成立共同犯罪
- The essence of the traditional theory of negligent crime(the old negligence theory) is to regard "the theory of the valueless result "as theoretical foundation. 传统过失犯理论(旧过失论)实质是以“结果无价值论”为其理论基础的。
- Significant accident caused by negligence crime 重大责任事故罪
- In recent years, there are more and more negligence crimes in these fields, especially the offense of vocational negligence. 近些年来,这些行业领域的过失犯罪,尤其是业务过失犯罪越来越多。
- Knowledge of essential illegality is also one of the elements that relates to the constitution of negligent crime. 实质的违法性认识即社会危害性认识也是过失犯罪的成立必须联系的一个因素。
- The nature of official negligent crime lies in the violation of official attention. 职务过失犯罪的本质在于违反职务上的注意义务。
- The legal standard of identifying a crime as negligent crime is whether it is prescribed by law. 将某种犯罪确定为过失犯罪的法定标准,是法律有文理规定。
- The punishment to official negligent crime by case law in other countries in the world is severe. 对于职务过失犯罪的处罚,世界其他国家的惯例是从严惩处。
- According to the definition of “ought to know”, it should be classified as negligent crime. 就其中“应知”主观要件的规定本身而言,应当属于过失犯罪。
- The existing literature has concluded that the assumptions of negligibility, applicability, and joint negligibility need to be realistic. 经由文献回顾,吾人得到可忽略性假设、适用性假设、联合可忽略性假设必须具备实在性质之结论。
- Crimes can be distinguished into intentional crime and negligent crime. 犯罪可分为故意犯罪和过失犯罪
- The structural features of official negligent crime are main Iy as foI lows: 1. The subject should be state funct ionary. 关于职务过失犯罪的构成特征,主要有如下几个方面:1、主体特征应为国家工作(公职)人员。
- On the base of the principle of respecting human rights, it is inadvisable to fix negligent crime on the act that does not encroach upon legal benefits too grossly. 根据尊重人权主义的原理,对于法益侵害并非严重的行为,不宜确定为过失犯罪;
- The reasonable thought maybe is to analyse it from various angles.On one hand,crime of power abuse in the revised criminal law is really a negligent crime. 合理的思路或许是区分不同的层面进行解读:从实然的角度分析,现行刑法中确立的滥用职权罪是过失犯罪;