- joint torque negative feedback 关节力矩负反馈
- Was it due to the negative feedback? 是否由于二代那消极的反响?
- We need both positive and negative feedback from our customers. 我们需要顾客正反两方面的反馈意见。
- What's the Difference Between Positive and Negative Feedback? 积极的和消极的反馈有何差别?
- Spike Frequency Adaptation and Negative Feedback Linearization. 峰频率适应性与负回馈的线性化。
- If you do not honor your bid, I will leave negative feedback. 如果你不把你的叫价当作一回事,我将给你负面回馈评价。
- Objective To measure the joint torque of spacesuit so as to evaluate its dynamic force/torque performance. 目的对航天服关节阻尼力矩特性进行测试,评价航天服的力学性能。
- The electromyographic signal data measured from the contraction of the joint and muscle is used as the main parameter for estimate the joint torque. 藉由肌肉收缩时,撷取肘关节的肌电讯号,当作估测肌力的主要参数。
- Q: Was there any negative feedback on your sex scenes or for playing a lesbian? ??演拉拉或拍床戏,有没有得过任何负面的回响?
- Many new D enlarger adoption the PWM output negative feedback wreath road. 许多新型的D类放大器采用PWM输出负反馈环路。
- Loss of or gain in power in an amplifier caused by unintentional negative feedback. 负反馈由无意的负反馈引起的放大器中功率的丧失或获得
- In the force screw space, we first establish, the relationship between joint torque and external force acting on the grasped object, Jacobian matrices for all hand-object system are defined. 首先在抓持系统的力旋量空间中,建立了关节力矩与物体外力的关系,定义了整个手物体抓持系统的雅可比矩阵。
- While working on a means of reducing amplifier distortion, he devised the negative feedback amplifier. 在研究减少放大器失真方法时他发明了负反馈放大器。
- Error message boxes are negative feedback, telling the user that he has done something wrong. 错误消息框是负面反馈,在用户做错了事时通知用户。
- Keep in mind that we are talking about the drawbacks of negative feedback from a computer. 记住我们正在从计算机的角度谈论负面反馈的缺点。
- Negative feedback by another person, although unpleasant, can be justified in certain circumstances. 在某种情况下对于另外一些人来说,尽管负面反馈使人不愉快,但也可能是正当的。
- Advocates of negative feedback can cite numerous examples of its effectiveness in guiding people’s behavior. 负面反馈的鼓吹者可能举出许多负面反馈有效引导人们行为的例子,这些证据是真的。
- Not only does this reenforce commendable actions, but it also mollifies the negative feedback which may come later. 并不仅仅因为事情本身值得赞扬,同时这样也能减轻一些以后可能出现的负面反应。
- As a whole, SOCS1 presents a negative feedback effect in the maturation of BmDC induced by LIGHT. SOCS1对LIGHT诱导的BmDC分化成熟有负反馈调节作用。
- A Robot Measurement System for Spacesuit Joint Torque 航天服关节阻尼力矩的机器人测试系统