- A joint communique was issued on May 5. 5月5日发表了一项联合公报。
- A joint communique was released on March7. 3月7日发表一项联合公报。
- The two countries signed a joint communique. 两国签署了联合公报。
- A joint communique was signed after the meeting. 会后签署了联合公报.
- A joint communique of truce was issued on June 5 that year. 一名热情的年轻译员陪伴着他。
- We were greatly inspired by reading the joint communique. 联合公报使我们大受鼓舞。
- In February 1972, Nixon visited China, and the "Shanghai Joint Communique" was signed. 一九七二年二月尼克松访华,上海公报签字。
- Defense ministers of the six Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states met on June 14 in Shanghai and issued a joint communique. “上海合作组织”六国国防部长6月14日在上海举行会晤并签署了联合公报。
- Premier Sun Yun-suan and President Rodrigo Carazo of Costa Rica answering questions at a press conference after signing a joint communique. 图1:孙院长与哥斯大黎加总统卡拉柔签署联合公报后举行记者招待会。
- A joint communique from the closed-door summit was light on specifics and signaled little sign of fresh momentum in the relationship. 从闭门会议中得出联合公报缺乏具体内容,也没有显示出双边关系出现新的发展势头的迹象。
- February 2002, Shengpu President of Equatorial Guinea on a state visit, the two heads of state signed a joint communique. 2002年2月,圣普总统对赤几进行国事访问,两国元首签署了联合公报。
- In order to resolve the issue of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan,the Chinese and the U.S. governments negotiated and reached an agreement on 17 August 1982. A communique bearing the same date became the third joint communique governing Sino-U.S. relations. 为解决美国售台武器问题,中美两国政府通过谈判,于一九八二年八月十七日达成协议,发表了有关中美关系的第三个联合公报,简称“八·一七公报”。
- China has signed the Joint Communique of the Three Environmental Ministers of China,Japan and Korea,the MOU of Sino-Italian Environmental Cooperation and the Minutes of Cooperation on Yellow Sand between China and Mongolia. 中国签署了中日韩三国环境部长(第三次)联合公报,签署了中意环境合作备忘录、中蒙黄沙合作工作纪要等。
- The heads of state of the "Shanghai Five" welcome the desire of the Republic of Uzbekistan to participate in the "Shanghai Five" in the capacity of an equal member, and the six heads of state signed a joint communique on this regard. “上海五国”国家元首欢迎乌兹别克斯坦共和国以完全平等成员身份加入“上海五国”的愿望,六国元首就此签署了有关联合声明。
- The primary goal of this trip was to re-establish communication with the People's Republic of China after a generation of hostility.We achieved that goal.Let me turn now to our joint communique. 这次旅行的主要目的是:在一代人的敌对状态后,重新建立与中华人民共和国的联系。我们达到了这个目的。让我从现在起转向我们的联合公报。
- These principles were confirmed in the Shanghai Communique of February 28, 1972 and reaffirmed in the Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations which came into effect on January 1, 1973. 一九七二年二月二十八日的上海公报确认了这些原则。 一九七九年一月一日生效的建交公报又重申了这些原则。
- These principles were confirmed in the Shanghai Communique of February 28, 1972 and reaffirmed in the Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations which came into effect on January 1, 1979. 1972年2月28日的上海公报确认了这些原则。1979年1月1日生效的建交公报又重申了这些原则。
- In order to resolve the issue of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, the Chinese and the U.S. governments negotiated and reached an agreement on 17 August 1982. A communique bearing the same date became the third joint communique governing Sino-U. S. relations. 为解决美国售台武器问题,中美两国政府通过谈判,于1982年8月17日达成协议,发表了有关中美关系的第三个联合公报,简称“八 - 一七公报”。
- A Spanish left-wing group and 36 other mass organizations issued a joint communique on August 31st, strongly denouncing the various measures adopted by the US to strengthen its blockade against Cuba. 西班牙左翼联盟和其他36个群众团体8月31日发表联合公报,强烈谴责美国为了强化对古巴的封锁所采取的各种措施。
- China has signed the Joint Communique of the Three Environmental Ministers of China, Japan and Korea, the MOU of Sino-Italian Environmental Cooperation and the Minutes of Cooperation on Yellow Sand between China and Mongolia. 签署了中日韩三国环境部长(第三次)联合公报,签署了中意环境合作备忘录、中蒙黄沙合作工作纪要等。