- job pointing rating 工作点评定
- The FCFS can be divided into four steps: base time calculation,virtual simulation process,matching calculation and adjustment calculation. In the realizing process of the FCFS,job point,job chain model and neural network algorithms are adopted. 利用FFCS方法进行仿真分为基准计算、虚拟仿真推进、匹配计算和调整量计算4个步骤,并在方法的实现过程中采用作业节点、作业链模型和神经网络算法。
- Rate Combination Point Rate Class 货物件数和运价组成点
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- The market is already factoring in another 50 basis points rate reduction in mid-March, and another 50 basis points again at the following FOMC meeting. 市场预期利率还会在3月中旬下降50个基点,在紧接着召开的议息会议上将再下调50个基点的利率。
- The going rate for the job is $10 per hour. 这项工作的现行工资是每小时十美元。
- The going rate for the job is£4 per hour. 这种工作的现行工资是每小时四英镑。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。
- It takes gumption to quit a good paying job. 要辞去一个待遇很好的工作需要勇气。
- November 18, the central voting issue one-year interest rates substantially lower 96 basis points rate cut seems to be that clinches it. 11月18日,一年期央票发行利率大幅走低96基点,降息似乎是板上钉钉的事情。
- He was given a job commensurate with his abilities. 他得到一份与他能力相称的工作。
- Leaving her first job was a watershed in her life. 辞去她的第一份工作是她生活中的一个转折点。
- That's one part of the job done at any rate. 不管怎么说,这个工作已经做了一部分了
- Looked at from that point of view, the job becomes easy. 从那个观点看,这工作就容易了。
- He left his job largely because he was homesick. 他辞职不干主要是因为他想家。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- She's been piling up money ever since she got the job. 自从得了那份工作以来,她一直在攒钱。
- The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability. 新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。
- The new secretary is apathetic to her job. 这个新秘书对他的工作一点都不热衷。